
  • 网络CEO;Chief Executive Officer
  1. 当埃里克·施密特(EricSchmidt)还是谷歌首席执政官的时候,我问他,谷歌到底拥有什么,能让它不被任何新出现的搜索引擎打倒。

    When Eric Schmidt was still chief executive of Google , I asked him what the company owned that would make it particularly hard for any emerging search contender to wipe Google out .

  2. 妙美客公司的董事长兼首席执政官理查·德汤普森说,这家爱猫餐馆有两条主要规定:在进门的时候要检查,不允许带狗和猫薄荷进入。

    Meow Mix president and CEO Richard Thompson said the feline-friendly restaurant has two main rules : no dogs and no catnip , which must be checked at the door .

  3. 另外还有一个达沃斯诅咒的问题:某家公司的业绩可能比较糟糕,其首席执政官本应看好自己的店铺时,可他却在达沃斯似乎蛮有兴致地到处闲逛。

    There is also the Davos curse – the problem that a chief executive whose company is not doing well can appear to be gallivanting when he or she should be minding the shop .