
jīn biān zhènɡ quàn
  • gilt-edge bonds;gilt-edged bonds;gilt-edge securities;gilt-edged securities;gilt
  1. 国债(金边证券的简称)不是股票,而是政府发行的公债,因此被认为是最安全的。

    Gilts ( short for gilt-edged securities ) are not shares but stock issued by the government and therefore reckoned to be safest of all .

  2. 其余的钱投资于金边证券。

    The rest of the money is invested in gilt .

  3. 金边证券,金边债券对金边债券投资了一小笔资金。

    A small amount invested in gilt - edged stock .

  4. 一种可靠的投资是买值钱而热门的股票,或者更可靠的一种买安全的金边证券。

    A safe investment is blue chips or , better still , gilt - edged securities .

  5. 当我们确定以下规则不必要时,如英国国内公司利息支付,欧盟证券,金边证券,我们就统统取消了。

    Where we have been able to conclude that these rules are unnecessary , such as for intra-UK corporate interest payments , Eurobonds and gilts , we have abolished them .