
zhēn tóu
  • syringe needle;pinhead;needle head;pip
针头 [zhēn tóu]
  • [syringe needle] 注射器头端可自由装卸的中空金属针

针头[zhēn tóu]
  1. 一次性无菌注射器可以分为针座和针头两个部分。

    One-off aseptic injector includes needle lead and pinhead two parts .

  2. 这一切的起源是不到针头大小的动物

    and it all began with creatures smaller than a pinhead .

  3. 一个针头扎进了婴儿的胳膊。

    A needle was jabbed into the baby 's arm

  4. 他把针头拔出,在扎针处按了一块药棉。

    He withdrew the needle and placed a pad of cotton-wool over the spot .

  5. 我神经非常脆弱,见到针头就会逃之夭夭。

    I 'm very squeamish and when I see needles I run a mile .

  6. 这种LED探针由144个针头大小的二极管组成,长9英寸,直径大约1个半英寸。小球使得光源均匀分布。

    The LED probe consists of144 tiny pinhead-size diodes and is9-inches long and about one-half-inch in diameter .

  7. 超声针头斜面向下乳化劈裂技术在白内障超声乳化术中的应用基于三维Hough变换的三维超声针状物体检测

    Bevel-down phaco chop in phacoemulsification Needle Segmentation Using the 3D Hough Transform in 3D Ultrasound Images

  8. 深部创口或注入血液,如含有血液的中空针头刺入皮肤,都可增加HIV的传播危险。

    Risk of HIV transmission appears to be increased by deep wounds or injection of blood , such as when hollow-bore needles containing blood penetrate the skin .

  9. 在世界上的许多地方,医疗基础设施落后所导致的皮下注射针头的反复使用是HIV与乙肝传播的途径之一。

    In many parts of the world , poor medical infrastructure leads to the re-use of hypodermic needles , contributing to the spread of diseases such as HIV and hepatitis B.

  10. 专家已经提出警告说细菌感染,乙型和丙型肝炎,甚至可能HIV正通过针灸时感染的针头,棉签和热敷包进行传播。

    Experts have warned that bacterial infections , hepatitis B and C , and possibly even HIV are being transmitted via acupuncture through the use of contaminated needles , cotton swabs and hot packs .

  11. Gore还表示,应作更多工作,针对卫生保健工作者开展血液安全和针头安全教育,并与耻辱和无知做斗争。

    More should be done to educate health-care workers about blood and needle safety and to fight the stigma and ignorance , Gore says .

  12. 外界有专家称,上个月州长迈克·彭斯(MikePence)不情愿地批准了一个针头更换项目,但当地官员的执行不力。

    Gov. Mike Pence reluctantly authorized a needle exchange program last month , but local officials are not running it according to best practices , outside experts say .

  13. Weber线性理论计算结果表明可根据Weber线性理论近似选择优化操作频率,特别适用于内径较大的针头。

    It was demonstrated from calculated data of theory that selection of optimum operating frequency according to Weber theory is adoptable , especially when system used large diameter needle .

  14. 临床医生不应该应用无针头的“喷射注射器”接种流感疫苗,因为疫苗没有被批准应用此设备,美国食品与药品管理局(FDA)的警告。

    Clinicians should not administer influenza vaccines with needleless " jet injectors " because the vaccines have not been approved for such devices , the US Food and Drug Administration ( FDA ) has warned .

  15. [结论]不同品牌及针头型号的一次性1ml注射器死腔容量及残余药量不同。

    Dispensable 1 ml syringes of different brand names and different needle types had different dead space capacities and different drug fluids remnants .

  16. 上周,州立法机构向彭斯提交了一个提案。根据该提案,当一个社区因为静脉药物注射而出现HIV或丙型肝炎的广泛传播时,可以创立一个长达一年的针头更换项目。

    Last week , the state legislature sent a bill to Mr. Pence that would allow communities to create needle exchange programs for up to a year if they are experiencing an epidemic of H.I.V. or hepatitis C because of intravenous drug use .

  17. 方法对68例怀疑乳腺癌者用7号针头、10ml注射器进行湿细针穿刺细胞学检查。

    Methods Wet fine needle aspiration cytology was conducted in 68 cases of probable breast cancer by using a 10 ml syringe with size 7 needle .

  18. 具有上述质粒谱、限制酶谱和OMP谱的不动杆菌仅见于空气及治疗盘针头。

    The amotile bacteria with above-mentioned plasmid spectrum , restriction enzyme spectrum and OMP spectrum are only seen in the air , therapeutic dish and syringe needle .

  19. 用25G针头插入平坦部或角膜缘穿刺作灌注,同时由角膜缘穿刺取硅油。

    Local anesthesia was performed with 25G syringe needle through pars plana or corneal limbus infusion and super limbus incisions to eliminate silicone oil .

  20. 采用粘弹剂软壳(soft-shell)技术、乳化针头斜面朝下超声乳化和高负压脉冲超声模式,减少了角膜内皮细胞的损伤;

    Aimed to reducing the damage to corneal endothelium , soft-shell technique , bevel-down technique and high vacuum pulse phaco mode should be chosen ;

  21. 斯科特县(ScottCounty)的公共卫生护士布里特妮·库姆斯(BrittanyCombs)说,她在与上瘾者交谈的过程中发现,很多人会使用同一个针头达300次,直到针头断在胳膊里,她对此感到震惊。

    Brittany Combs , the public health nurse for Scott County , said she was stunned to discover from talking to addicts that many were using the same needle up to 300 times , until it broke off in their arms .

  22. 她曾去一户人家发放针头,这家的主人是一个年纪稍大的女性,名叫莫玛(Momma);莫玛坐在门廊上,有人不停地来到这里,到里面进行注射。

    She has passed out needles at a house where the owner , an older woman known as Momma , sits on the porch while a steady stream of visitors comes to shoot up inside .

  23. 纽约西奈山以色列堂医院(MountSinaiBethIsrael)化学品依赖研究所的研究负责人唐·德夏莱(DonDesJarlais)说,最成功的针头更换项目会让参与者把注射器传递给身边那些仍然躲在暗处的人,而不是要求每个人去登记。

    Dr. Don Des Jarlais , the director of research for the chemical dependency institute at Mount Sinai Beth Israel hospital in New York , said the most successful needle exchange programs let participants pass out syringes to peers who remain in the shadows instead of requiring everyone to sign up .

  24. 方法:采用升高眼内压的方法诱导大鼠视网膜缺血60min,拔出输液针头,恢复视网膜血供,建立RIR模型。以升高眼压的方法造成瞬间性视网膜缺血重新灌注的模型。

    Methods : the model of retinal ischemia reperfusion was established in 60 adult SD rats by transient elevation of intraocular pressure with perfusion of normal saline into anterior chamber for 60 minutes , then their blood supply was resumed .

  25. 微针头(Microneedles)一般指通过微细加工工艺制作的,尺寸在微米级,直径在30&80μm,长度100μm以上呈针状的结构,材料可以为硅、聚合物、金属等。

    Microneedle is an acicular structure usually made through microfabrication process , of which the diameter is around 30 to 80 μ rn and the length is above 100 μ m. The material of microneedles could be silicon , polymer , metal and etc.

  26. 采用改造的日本产FHK奶牛胚胎移植器械,用长针头穿过奶牛阴道穹窿将胚胎注入子宫角。

    By using the improved FHK apparatus made in Japan for embryo transfer in dairy cattle , the embryos were transferred into the uterine gland of two cattle recipients through the vaginal fornix .

  27. 实验方法:每个猪眼采用1毫升注射器针头通过视神经处注入生理盐水,使眼压达到20一25mmHg。

    Methods : The intraocular pressure ( IOP ) of each porcine eye was controlled by the injection of normal saline through the optic never and maintained from 20 to 25 mmHg .

  28. MARTINMAKARY:“穿过皮肤的针头必须尽可能的尖锐,这样才能更容易,更顺畅地进入皮肤,才能在缝合皮肤时减少患者的疼痛。”

    MARTIN MAKARY : " A needle that goes through the skin needs to be as sharp as possible because that 's going to be d with the easiest access , the more slick closure , and the less pain when somebody has , say their blood drawn or their skin closed . "

  29. 输液时针头直刺静脉减轻疼痛的临床观察

    Clinical observation of lessening intravenous transfusion pain by direct puncture intravenation

  30. 更换针头法注射绒促性素减轻患者疼痛

    Alleviating the Pain Resulting from Injection of HCG by Changing Needle