
fū yù
  • incubation;hatch
孵育 [fū yù]
  • [hatch] 孵化孕育

  • 并非每只蛋都能孵育出小鸡

孵育[fū yù]
  1. 方法观察NS、SAN液悬浮的红细胞和血清加热法,在延长孵育试验中的溶血情况。

    Methods The haemolysis result of delayed hatch time test was observed in NS or SAN solution suspended red blood cell and serum 56 ℃ heating .

  2. 自动血培养仪包括培养系统或恒温孵育系统、检测系统、主控器及外围设备。

    This automatic blood cultivating apparatus includes cultivating system or constant temperature hatch system , detection system , main controller and peripheral components .

  3. 刚孵育出来的小鸡就会走、会啄食。

    Newly hatched chicks can walk and peck .

  4. 狗淋巴细胞于37℃孵育后,可提高E花环形成率。

    The incubation of canine lymphocytes at 37 ℃ increased E-rosette formation .

  5. 2不同药物浓度和孵育时间下药物的转运量有显著性差异(P<0.01)。

    There were statistically significant differences in intracellular agent contents between different agent concentrations and between different co-incubating time ( P0.01 ) .

  6. HPLC法测定仔猪小肠刷状缘膜囊孵育体系中的二肽含量

    Determination of Dipeptide Content in Piglet Small Intestine Brush Border Membrane Incubation System with HPLC

  7. 本文介绍一种小块神经组织整体孵育的免疫细胞化学ABC法。

    An immunocytochemical ABC method for small piece of nerve tissue was developed .

  8. 运用不同剂量甲状腺素与人胚胸腺细胞经不同时间孵育后,检测胸腺细胞E-玫瑰花环形成率。

    After incubation of thyroxine with human embryonic thymocytes for 1,2,4 and 16 hours , E rosette formation rates were tested .

  9. 考察了反应物浓度、还原反应程度、pH值以及孵育时间对产物形貌的影响。

    The influences of reagent concentrations , reduction degree , pH , and incubation time on the growth of products were studied .

  10. 孵育3d后观察比较血管生成与接种细胞种类、数量的关系。

    The relationships among the vessel formation with the number of cells implanted and the type of cell were determined after 3 days .

  11. iDC通过与供体来源的可溶性抗原(solubleantigen,sAg)共孵育摄取供体抗原。

    Antigen-loaded DCs were collected after incubation with soluble antigen ( sAg ) derived from donor .

  12. 随着修复孵育时间的延长,彗星细胞尾长和彗星细胞出现率明显下降,与对照组比较,差异有显著性(P0.01)。

    The quantity and the tail - length of Comet cells decrease significantly with incubation time .

  13. 无PEG修饰的空白脂质体对阿霉素无吸附作用;PEG对阿霉素的吸附进程受PEG阿霉素配比、孵育时间的影响;

    Both the PEG adriamycin ratio and incubation time affected the absorption of adriamycin to PEG ;

  14. TNF对离体孵育骨骼肌的蛋白代谢与泛素系统基因表达的影响

    The effects of tnf - α on the protein metabolism and the ubiquitin system gene expression in isolated skeletal muscles

  15. 通过采用HBV阳性血清与肝细胞孵育,模拟HBV自然感染肝细胞的过程。

    To imitate the natural infection of HBV in the liver , we incubated cells with HBV positive human serum .

  16. 抗入AGE受体(RAGE)IgG和B型滑膜细胞预孵育能明显抑制AGE-β2m的上述作用。

    AGE - β 2m induced effect was inhibited by preincubation of synovial cells with anti-AGE receptor ( RAGE ) IgG .

  17. 无血清培养基孵育MHCC97-H细胞后,MMP-9和F型肌动蛋白主要位于细胞的核周池;

    MMP-9 and F-actin were mainly localized in the perinuclear pool when the cells were incubated with serum-free medium .

  18. 不同孵育时间及不同浓度的生存率间均有显著差异(P均0.01)。

    The cell survival rate between different ALA concentration and four different incubating time and under the same incubating time with different ALA concentrations are all significant different ( P0.01 ) .

  19. 方法:体外分离、培养大鼠肝星状细胞,甘草酸与HSC共同孵育。

    Methods : The mice HSC were isolated and cultured in vitro .

  20. 去精清精子与外源DNA共孵育,使其携带外源DNA,再与成熟卵母细胞进行体外受精,生产转基因猪胚胎,为通过胚胎移植生产转基因猪奠定基础。

    Sperms which were removed of seminal fluid , were incubated with exogenous DNA , thus they can intake exogenous DNA and fertilize with matured oocytes in vitro .

  21. 在pH低于5或高于9的条件下37℃孵育3h后,卵黄抗体失去全部活性。

    If pH was lower than 5 or higher than 9 , it lost the whole activity in above condition .

  22. 孵育后测定红细胞悬液中K+浓度、丙二醛(MDA)浓度和红细胞溶血度。

    The concentrations of potassium and malondialdehyde ( MDA ) in RBC suspensions and hemolytic degree after incubation were measured respectively .

  23. 本文用离体细胞体外孵育法研究了内皮素-1(ET)对大鼠排卵前卵泡颗粒细胞孕酮生成的影响及其作用机理。

    The effect of endothelin 1 ( ET ) on progesterone production of isolated rat granulosa cells and its mechanism were investigated .

  24. 体外环境下将胰岛素、C肽及C肽K与1型糖尿病患者红细胞孵育,观察红细胞膜ATP酶活性变化。

    The C-peptide and C-peptide-K were incubated with the erythrocyte from the T1 diabetes and the change of the activity of the Na / K-ATPase was observed .

  25. ~(99)Tc~m-MIBI与细胞共同孵育2h后收集细胞,测定放射性活度和P-gp表达水平。

    Cells were harvested after 2 h incubation with ~ ( 99 ) mTc-MIBI .

  26. 固定了细胞的电极与糖蛋白抗体纳米探针孵育后,将CdS纳米粒子引入到细胞表面。

    The incubation with P-gp monoclonal antibody nanoprobe introduced CdS NPs onto the cell surface immobilized on the modified electrode .

  27. 笔者还对孵育介质pH和温度、提取剂及样品基体等因素对定量曲线的影响进行了研究和讨论。

    Effects of PH in the reaction medium , the incubation temperature , the extracting agent and the sample matrix on the detection sensitivities were also studied and discussed .

  28. 以同样条件,不含D-葡萄糖的孵育液培养的BSA作为对照。

    BSA incubated without glucose under the same conditions was used as the negative control in all experiments .

  29. hβ-CGRP预孵育对H2O2致心肌细胞内游离钙离子浓度增加的影响

    Effects of Pre-incubation with h β - CGRP on Elevation of Intracellular Free Calcium Concentration Activated by H_ ( 2 ) O_ ( 2 ) in Myocardial Cells

  30. 应用国产白介素2(IL-2)与骨髓细胞共同孵育1或3天,产生激活骨髓(分别记为ABM1或ABM3)。

    Human bone marrow cells were incubated with IL-2 for 1 or 3 days to generate activated bone marrow ( ABM ) cells .