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  • hatchery ;hatcheries
  1. 苹果就像一个孵化场,尝试培育出更优良的鱼类。

    Apple is like a hatchery , trying to breed better fish .

  2. 州和联邦所有的孵化场还采取了其他措施来拯救鲑鱼。

    State and federal owned hatcheries take other measures to save the salmon .

  3. 毕业后从事孵化场,渔场和其他水产养殖场所的管理工作。

    Graduates commonly manage hatcheries , fish farms , and other aquatic habitats .

  4. 例如,他们建立了一个基因库来防止孵化场里的鲑鱼出现近亲繁殖。

    For example , they keep a genetic bank to stop inbreeding at hatcheries .

  5. 相反,他们把这些鱼赶到了孵化场,在河水条件改善以前,一直生活在那里。

    Instead , it drove them to hatcheries that could hold them until river conditions improve .

  6. 在孵化场使用活苗或灭活苗对1日龄雏鸡进行免疫效果有限。

    Day-old vaccinations in the hatchery with either live or killed products have been attempted with limited success .

  7. 因此,该州每年将数百万在孵化场饲养的鲑鱼直接投放到海洋中。

    As a result , the state has been moving millions of salmon raised at hatcheries directly to the ocean each year .

  8. 但是,像大多数有良知的人,当看到动物权益积极分子最近在孵化场录制的雏鸡被活活碾碎的视频,我感到既恶心又震惊。

    But like most people of conscience , I was sickened and horrified to see the recent video taken by animal rights activists of baby chicks being ground alive at an egg hatchery .

  9. 为了回应中国的食品安全问题,它还投资数百万美元在中国修建了一座鸡肉供应厂,其中包括一座饲料加工厂、几座孵化场和屠宰场。

    In response to food safety concerns in China , it had invested hundreds of millions of dollars building a chicken-meat supply chain in the country that included a feed mill , hatcheries and slaughtering operations .

  10. 孵化机内温度场与风速场的实验分析

    Experimental Measurment of Temperature and Airflow Velocity Fields in an Incubator

  11. 这是一种非常有效的创意孵化器和试验场。

    It is an effective incubator and testing ground for ideas .

  12. 耳石微结构主要用于鱼类年龄鉴定,早期生长,产卵期、孵化期和产卵场的推导,早期生活史事件的研究,鱼类种群鉴别,早期死亡及年级补充量,生活环境条件的研究等。

    Otoliths microstructure were mainly used in fish aging , early growth , estimating on spawning period , incubating period and spawn areas , evaluating on early life history events , identifying fish population , early mortality and class recruitment , habitation condition .