
  • 网络Incubation period;incubator period;Hatching period
  1. 每窝卵数3~5枚,孵化期15d。

    Clutch is 3-5 . Incubation period is 15 days .

  2. 卵孵化期为40~52d。

    An individual female produces 168 ~ 672 eggs , and the incubation period of the eggs is 40 ~ 52 days .

  3. 首先,他们在孵化期收集了昆士兰67个巢穴的声音数据。

    First they collected sound data from 67 nests in four sites in Queensland before and after hatching .

  4. 30°C的温度范围内,温度影响孵化期和大多数幼体的形态特征。

    30 ° C , temperature affected incubation length and most hatchling traits examined .

  5. x3:本年孵化期的平均气温(℃);

    X_3 means the average temperature in spawned stage in current year (℃);

  6. 单因素方差雌性2011年孵化期警戒行为差异显著(P0.05)。

    The result of One Way ANOVA : in2011during incubating period warning behavior of female had differences ( P0.05 ) .

  7. 为了保证从孵化期毕业,项目必须适应所谓的Apache做事方式。

    To graduate from the incubator , a project must adapt to the so-called Apache way of doing things .

  8. 孵化期曾被描述为密封过渡仓(airlock)一类的东西。

    The incubator has been described as an airlock of sorts .

  9. 同时,OpenEJB必须至少使一个发行版成为孵化期过程的一部分。

    Meanwhile , OpenEJB must make at least one release as part of the incubator process .

  10. 孵化期为23d左右。

    The hatching period is about 23 days .

  11. 在此基础上研究确定了亲虾产卵孵化期的气候决策模式;

    Climatic decision model for selecting spawning and hatching time was developed .

  12. 孵化期鸡胚胎死亡及其遗传影响因素的研究

    Study on Chicken Embryo Death and Its Hereditary Reason during Hatching Period

  13. 卵孵化期平均为7.2天。

    The duration of incubation averaged 7 . 2 days .

  14. 黄脊竹蝗孵化期预测研究

    Prediction of the incubation period of yellow spined bamboo locust

  15. 卵的孵化期为28-40天;

    The period of hatching is 28-40 days .

  16. 孵化期为24?28天,具体取决于温度条件。

    Incubation lasts anywhere from 24-28 days , and seems to be temperature dependent .

  17. 孵化期肉鸡胚胎死亡规律的研究

    Study on the death regular pattern of embryo of chicken during the hatching period

  18. 例如,登革热病毒在蚊子体内大约需要两个星期的培育孵化期。

    For example , the dengue fever virus takes about two weeks to incubate .

  19. 种蛋孵化期失水率及蛋壳气孔密度与孵化率的关系

    Relationship of Hatchability and the Percentage of Egg Weight Loss and Shell Pore Concentration during Incubation

  20. 孵化期是随着一年中产卵的时间而变化的。

    The incubation period varies depending on the time of ear when the eggs were laid .

  21. 二次繁殖的筑巢期、产卵期、孵化期都短于一次繁殖;

    The hatching rate and fledging rate of the first broods and second broods were similar .

  22. 研究表明,气温对草地蝗虫影响较为明显的是在蝗卵越冬期和孵化期。

    The ecological study showed that air temperature had a significant effect on grasshopper egg survival and hitching .

  23. 孵卵温度3839℃。孵化期2326天。

    The incubation temperature is 38 & 39 ℃ and the incubation period is 23 to 26 days .

  24. 求偶期丹顶鹤领域面积较大,进入孵化期后缩小。丹顶鹤领域面积大于白枕鹤。

    The area of the territory in courtship period was more than incubating period of the red-crowned crane .

  25. 波动温度对乌龟卵孵化期和幼体表型特征的影响

    Influence of fluctuating temperature on incubation duration and hatchling phenotypes in the Chinese three-keeled pond turtle , Chinemys reevesii

  26. 结果研究基地平均孵化期为105天,养殖基地孵化期为92天,养殖基地孵化期比研究基地孵化短。

    Results The result indicated that the average hatch phase of laboratory ground and field ground is105 and92 days respectively .

  27. 滞育与幼虫孵化期、气候、生态条件和食料有关。

    The diapause of pine caterpillar is relevant to the larval hatching period , food , climate and other ecological conditions .

  28. 利用耳石日轮技术研究长江中游草鱼幼鱼的孵化期及生长

    Study on the hatch date and growth of juvenile grass carp from middle reaches of the Yangtze River using daily increment technology

  29. 研究表明:在孵化期,雌鸟的日活动节律呈现出双峰模式,即晨昏活动。

    As a rule , the female showed a bimodal daily activity pattern ( morning and evening ) during the incubation stage .

  30. 邮件列表将位于孵化期领域之下,诸如此类的事项更方便了两个项目涉及的工作。

    The mailing lists will be under the incubator domain , and so on , making it much easier for those involved in both projects .