
  • 网络Fish genus;Trachurus;Danio;Salvelinus
  1. 从细胞色素b部分序列探讨石斑鱼属的分子系统发育关系

    Molecular phylogenetic relationship of Epinephelus based on sequences of mtDNA cytb

  2. 斑马鱼(Daniorerio)原产于印度、孟加拉等国,属于鲤科、短担尼鱼属。

    Zebrafish ( Danio rerio ) originates in India and Bangladesh etc. It belongs to Cyprinidae section and Danio genus .

  3. 采用Kimura双参数模型计算遗传距离:并用邻接法(NJ)、最大简约法(MP)和贝叶斯法(Bayesian)重建了黄颡鱼属鱼类的分子系统树。

    The Kimura 's 2-Parameter sequence divergences were calculated and molecular phylogenetic trees were reconstructed by using the neighbor-joining ( NJ ) and maximum parsimony ( MP ) methods as well as Bayesian inference .

  4. 温泉鱼属非人为的死亡,我公司将给于免费的补给。

    Wei 's death , I will give companies in the free supply .

  5. 各种鱼属的任意一个属。

    Any of various genus of fish .

  6. 东海区红娘鱼属种类组成及其分布特征

    Robotic Fish Species composition and distribution of the genus Lepidotrigla in the East China Sea

  7. 牛鱼属的有吸盘的鱼类,背部隆起,常多在密西西比河流域发现。

    Any of several suckers of the genus Ictiobus , having a humped back and found mostly in the Mississippi Valley .

  8. 沙孙鲽,比目鱼:任一种生活于太平洋水域的琴形鱼属的小食用鱼,与比目鱼有关联并相象。

    Any of several small food fishes of the genus Citharichthys of Pacific waters , related to and resembling the flounders .

  9. 黄海中南部鳀鱼属洄游产卵型鱼类。

    The anchovy inhabiting in the middle and southern part of the Yellow Sea is a typical species showing spawning migration behaviour .

  10. 在涌浪区中稚鱼拟态一些海猪鱼属的小型线班隆头鱼或高身雀鲷。

    Juveniles mimic some of the small lined wrasses of the genus Halichoeres or dark damsels in surge zones ( Ref.48635 ) .

  11. 本文应用分支系统学方法,选取外部及骨骼形态学特征,对洱海特有的鲤属、四须鲃属、裂腹鱼属弓鱼亚属和副鳅属进行了研究。

    Using cladistics methods , we studied both outer and osteological characters of4 fish groups , Cyprinus , Barbodes , Schizothorax ( Racoma ) and Paracobitis , endemic to Erhai Lake .

  12. 青海湖裸鲤(Gymnocyprisprzewalskiiprzewalskii),俗称湟鱼,属鲤科,裂腹鱼亚科,裸鲤属,是青海湖中唯一的水生经济动物。

    Gymnocypris przewalskii , also named scaleless carp , is the only economical aquatic in lake Qinghai .

  13. 七彩神仙鱼:本属热带鱼中的慈鲷科,因其独特的形态而单列。

    Discus : Belongs to cichlid of tropical fish , but divided in one as per its unique shape .

  14. 菱鲆欧洲水域产的一种可食用的扁鱼(菱鲆鲆属)

    An edible flatfish ( Bothas rhombus ) of European waters .

  15. 尾鲽带黄色的鱼一种?属的大型的供捕钓的食用鱼,有黄色或微黄的尾巴,如南加利福尼亚和墨西哥沿海水域中的长背?

    Any of several large marine game fishes of the genus seriola , having a yellow or yellowish tail , such as s.dorsalis , of coastal waters of Southern California and mexico .

  16. 太阳鱼一种太阳鱼属及相关属的淡水太阳鱼,如蓝鳃太阳鱼国际海水淡化协会(海水淡化协会)

    Any one of various freshwater sunfishes of the genus Lepomis and related genera , such as the bluegill .

  17. 银色小鱼北美鲤科,通常是银色的淡水鱼,尤指棱鱼属鱼类。

    Any of numerous small , often silvery North American freshwater fishes of the family Cyprinidae , especially one of the genus Notropis .

  18. 瓦氏黄颡鱼和光泽黄颡鱼属另一分支,说明它们之间分别有更近的亲缘关系。

    That indicated that they were closer in relationship .

  19. 石斑鱼大西洋产的几种石斑鱼属鱼类,和鲶科鱼有关或象鲶科鱼产于热带大西洋沿岸。

    Any of several fishes of the genus Epinephelus of Atlantic waters , related to and resembling the groupers . found in tropical Atlantic coastal waters .

  20. 犬牙石首鱼北美大西洋水域产的一种食用海鱼和垂钓用鱼(犬牙石首鱼犬牙石首鱼属)美国对大西洋的航海警告

    A marine food and game fish ( Cynoscion regalis ) of North American Atlantic waters . navigational warning for Atlantic