
yú chì
  • shark's fin
鱼翅 [yú chì]
  • [shark's fin] 一种名贵的海味,是用鲨鱼鳍经过加工精制而成的软骨条,也叫翅子或翅

鱼翅[yú chì]
  1. 世界自然基金会的TracyTsang说,香港政府没有禁止在公务宴请中食用鱼翅,而且还在活动人士提出这个问题时屡次加以回避。

    The Hong Kong government hasn 't banned shark 's fin from official banquets , says Tracy Tsang of the WWF , and repeatedly dodged the question whenever activists raise the issue .

  2. 拒吃鱼翅汤现在成了潮流了?

    IS THE tide turning against shark 's fin soup ?

  3. 我们先去了性急的老广东人最喜爱的富声鱼翅海鲜酒家(fusingsharkfinseafoodrestaurant)。

    We began at Fu sing shark fin seafood restaurant , a brash old Cantonese family favourite .

  4. JudyLao最近向《温哥华省报》(VancouverProvince)解释了,为什么她的婚宴没有上鱼翅。

    Judy Lao recently told the Vancouver Province why she didn 't have it at her reception .

  5. 今年早些时候,香格里拉(亚洲)有限公司(Shangri-LaAsiaLtd.)宣布,旗下72家酒店将停止供应鱼翅。

    Earlier this year , Shangri-La Asia Ltd. said it would ban shark fin from tables across its 72 hotels .

  6. 美国餐饮协会(AsianAmericanRestaurantAssociation)会长何德兴(PeterHow)说,人们本来觉得那些想在子女婚宴上用鱼翅招待宾客的父母会对禁令感到愤怒,这种估计有些夸大了。

    According to Peter How , president of the Asian American Restaurant Association , predictions of outraged parents of newlyweds expected to treat wedding guests to shark fin soup were overblown .

  7. 金正日非常钟爱鱼翅羹,据说还从北京定购麦当劳(McDonalds)汉堡。

    Mr Kim has a penchant for shark fin soup and reportedly ordered McDonalds hamburgers from Beijing .

  8. 优质燕窝可卖到每克155美元,比银子还贵,而据澳大利亚海洋保护学会(AustralianMarineConservationSociety)称,鱼翅售价可高达每千克700美元。

    Premium birds ' nest can command $ 155 a gram , making it more expensive than silver , while shark fin can fetch up to $ 700 a kilogram , according to the Australian Marine Conservation Society .

  9. 明都大酒楼街对面坐落着木兰(MulanModernAsianCuisine)餐厅,餐厅的行政主厨乔治·朱(GeorgeChu)说,他们在特殊晚宴上用燕窝汤代替鱼翅汤。

    Across the street in Flushing at Mulan Modern Asian Cuisine , George Chu , the restaurant 's executive chef , said bird 's nest soup had replaced shark fin soup for their special-event dinners .

  10. 综合粗蛋白含量、硬度、拉伸强度和透明度等结果得出:8%明胶、2%海藻酸钠在纺丝原液pH为60时,制备的仿生鱼翅效果最佳。

    Combining the results of crude protein , hardness , tensile and transparency etc. , the puerility of imitative shark fins with pH 6.0 , 8 % ( w / w ) gelatin , 2 % sodium alginate was the best .

  11. 加利福尼亚州立法机构正在讨论由民主党人、美籍华人方文忠(PaulFong)联合提议的一项旨在禁止贩卖、消费和交易鱼翅的议案。

    The California state legislature is debating a bill co-sponsored by Paul Fong , a Chinese-American Democrat , to ban the sale , consumption and trade of shark fin .

  12. 为了在禁令生效之前清空库存,唐人街宝荣行食品市场(PoWingHongFoodMarket)的经理谢罗民(XieLoumin,音译)说,市场按折扣价把库存的鱼翅卖给了新泽西的餐厅,那里的鱼翅贸易依旧是合法的。

    To get rid of stock before the ban took effect , Xie Luomin , manager of the Po Wing Hong Food Market in Chinatown , said it sold off its shark fins at discounted prices to restaurants in New Jersey , where the shark fin trade is still legal .

  13. 香格里拉、半岛、J.W.万豪、雅高以及喜达屋等酒店品牌纷纷表示不再提供鱼翅。

    Shangri-la , Peninsula , JW Marriot , Accor and Starwood are among the hotels that have declared they will not serve shark fin .

  14. 我的导游马卡·卡里奥(MaykelCarillo)说,当地人习惯远离水边,因为这里一度公牛鲨(bullsharks)横行。截至20世纪80年代,过度捕捞和鱼翅交易使得公牛鲨灭绝,但是有些人说仍然有几只潜伏在水下。

    My guide , Maykel Carillo , saidlocals used to stay out of the water because it was once infested with bull sharks.By the 1980s , overfishing and a shark fin trade wiped-out the population , butsome say a few still lurk under the surface .

  15. 研究了鱼翅在不同加热时间(1、2、3、4h)条件下组织构造及其物性学参数(凝胶强度、最大破断应变、剪切应力、破断强度)变化,并测定了胶原蛋白含量。

    Changes in rheological properties and structure of shark fins ( gel strength , maximum breakage strain , shearing strength and fracture stress ) were studied on shark fins heated for various periods ( 1h , 2h , 3h , and 4h ) by a texture meter .

  16. 78岁的退休医生葛曼斐(ManfaiNgai)习惯在法拉盛缅因街的店铺买几盎司干鱼翅,他不喜欢仿鱼翅之类的替代品。在有些地方,这种替代品可以卖到35美元一袋。

    Manfai Ngai , 78 , a retired doctor who would routinely pick up a few ounces of dried shark fin cartilage from one of several shops along Main Street in Flushing , has rejected alternatives like imitation shark fin , which in some locations can be bought for $ 35 a pack .

  17. 为了获取鱼翅,人类每年要捕杀约7000万条鲨鱼。

    Some 70m sharks are killed each year for their fins .

  18. 平均每条鲨鱼只能加工出大约10碗鱼翅汤。

    The average shark stretches to about 10 bowls of soup .

  19. 其他出口品包括宠物鱼、鱼翅和海草。

    Other exports include pet fish , shark fins , and seaweed .

  20. 加热条件下鱼翅结构和物性学参数变化

    Changes in Rheological Properties and Structure of Shark Fins During Heat Treatment

  21. 官方从该公司缴获700多磅鱼翅。

    Officials seized more than 700 pounds of shark fins .

  22. 这么说来,想必我们不能反对吃鱼翅了?

    Surely , then , one can 't object to eating shark fin ?

  23. 鱼翅羹是亚洲的一道美味佳肴。

    Shark fin soup is a delicacy in Asia .

  24. 但是看到鱼翅烫被端上来,我感到窘迫。

    I am embarrassed , though , to see shark 's-fin soup arrive .

  25. 一碗鱼翅的售价高达100美元。

    A bowl of shark fin soup sells for up to $ 100 .

  26. 人类对鱼翅的贪欲导致每年有数以千万计的鲨鱼遭到杀戮。

    Tens of millions of sharks are killed for their fins each year .

  27. 加州的鱼翅食用量占到美国鱼翅总食用量的85%。

    California accounts for 85 per cent of shark fin eaten in the US .

  28. 冰淇淋的口味包括鱿鱼、虾、咸鱼和鱼翅。

    Flavors include squid , shrimp , salt fish , and shark 's fin .

  29. 每年,由于鱼翅买卖,数千万条鲨鱼在海底静静地等待死亡。

    Every year tens of millions of sharks die a slow death because of finning .

  30. 螺旋桨纵向位置对推进性能的影响鱼翅推进转动的螺旋桨

    The effect of longitudinal position of the propeller on the propulsive efficiency of single-screw ships