
  • 网络pet food;PetFood;Purina
  1. 他们将把肉当作宠物食品卖掉。

    They would sell the meat off as pet food .

  2. 猫很有可能是吃了受污染的宠物食品而染上这种疾病的。

    There is a strong possibility that the cat contracted the condition by eating contaminated pet food .

  3. 从事宠物食品行业的Ng认为,养鸡是教育孩子宠物营养和生态系统的好方式。

    Ng , who works in the pet food industry , saw chicken keeping as a good way to educate his children about pet nutrition and ecosystems .

  4. 一家宠物食品制造商说,他们的一款新产品中含有40%的兵蝇幼虫。据估计,宠物吃掉全球20%的肉类。

    It 's estimated that pets consume around 20 % of the world 's meat .

  5. 可能会有人对该项目的资金来源提出质疑:资金来自宠物食品公司希宝,其产品中使用了大量的鱼类。

    Questions may be raised about the funding for the project – it 's from the pet food company , Sheba , which uses a lot of fish in its products .

  6. HY公司是一家外商独资的宠物食品生产企业。

    HY Company is a wholly foreign-owned pet food manufacturing enterprises .

  7. 今年五月,一家私人宠物食品公司在曼哈顿为香奈尔举办了一场生日宴会。吉尼斯世界纪录的官员们则在宴会上为她颁发了世界最长寿狗的证书(Video)。

    Guinness World Records officials presented Chanel with a certificate as the world 's oldest dog at a Manhattan birthday bash hosted by a private pet food company in May .

  8. FDA先前也说过,这项调查正集中在可能被污染的麦麸上,麦麸是宠物食品中一种普通的配料。

    The FDA has previously said the investigation is focusing on possibly contaminated wheat gluten , a common ingredient in pet foods .

  9. 我们提出了用超声萃取和高效液相色谱(HPLC)联用的方法来测定宠物食品中的三聚氰酸。

    In the present work , an ultrasonic extraction method in combination with high-performance liquid chromatography ( HPLC ) was proposed for the determination of cyanuric acid in pet food .

  10. 美国宠物食品和糖果集团玛氏(Mars)表示,俄罗斯不久就会成为该公司第三大巧克力市场,仅次于美国和英国。

    Mars , the US pet food and confectionery group , says Russia will soon be its third-biggest chocolate market after the US and UK .

  11. 前三名分别是:雀巢普瑞纳宠物食品公司(NestlePurinaPetCare)、迈特公司(MITRE)和SAS研究所(SASInstitute)。

    The top three : Nestle Purina petcare , mitre , and SAS Institute .

  12. 即便如此,FDA也不确定是否对从中国运抵后的小麦麸子中用于宠物食品的成分进行检测。

    Even so , the FDA can 't say for sure whether the ingredient used in the pet foods was inspected after it arrived from China .

  13. 作为新品种猫粮发布战略的一部分,这家英国宠物食品制造商去年引入了伦敦口碑营销专业公司wildfire设计的战略。

    As part of its launch strategy for a new variety of catfood , UK petfood maker masterfoods last year adopted a strategy designed by the London-based word-of-mouth specialists wildfire .

  14. 分析的样品基质包括乳与乳制品和宠物食品,还未有采用LC-MS法同时检测乳与乳制品、含乳制品、动物源性食品和植物源性食品中三聚氰胺和三聚氰酸残留的报道。

    There are not reports about adopting LC-MS method to simultaneously detect melamine and cyanuric in milk and dairy products , including dairy products , animal-derived food and plant-derived food at this time .

  15. 一家名为MarsPetcare的宠物食品公司最近的一项调查显示,有狗狗的人比没有的人更有可能锻炼身体。

    People owning dogs are more likely to take exercises than those having none , according to a recent poll of Mars Petcare , a pet food company .

  16. 最近,中国制造业遭遇了新的挫折&在销售有毒玩具、受污染宠物食品和化学物质超标的睡衣等事件后,美泰(Mattel)宣布第三次召回玩具。

    Recently China 's manufacturing industry suffered a new setback on top of tales of toxic toys , tainted pet food and chemical-drenched pyjamas when Mattel announced a third recall of toys .

  17. 此次会晤前两天,玩具制造商美泰(Mattel)宣布召回另外80万件中国制造的产品&在从宠物食品到牙膏等一系列产品召回事件中,这是最新的召回事件。

    The meeting came two days after Mattel , the toy manufacturer , recalled an additional 800,000 Chinese-made products – the latest in a series of recalls ranging from pet food to toothpaste .

  18. 想想Penelope的情况吧(或是Zeus或Lilly,或是其它的许多猫猫狗狗,喜爱它们的主人正在起诉宠物食品公司,这些公司涉嫌向他们出售被来自中国的有毒物质污染了的食物)。

    Consider the case of Penelope ( or Zeus or Lilly or the host of other tabbies and mutts whose loving owners are suing pet food companies that allegedly sold them food tainted with poisons imported from China ) .

  19. 玛氏全球公共事务负责人MatthiasBerninger表示,中国宠物食品市场仍有很大发展空间,大大超出大多数行业的预期。

    Matthias Berninger , Mars global head of public affairs , said there was plenty of room for growth in China 's pet food market , which was already expanding beyond most industry expectations 。

  20. 与此同时,至少有四家公司正在全球各地针对宠物食品,水产养殖或动物饲料市场生产昆虫,比如俄亥俄州的EnviroFlight公司和南非的AgriProtein公司。

    EnviroFlight in Ohio and AgriProtein in South Africa , meanwhile , are among at least four companies globally producing insects for the pet food , aquaculture or animal feed markets .

  21. 如何评估商品类宠物食品?

    How do I evaluate the quality of a commercial pet food ?

  22. 宠物食品公司停止使用狗肉与猫肉

    Pet Food Firm Stops Using Dog and Cat Meat

  23. 鸡肉宠物食品抗氧化能力的研究

    Study on the Anti - oxidant Function of Pet Food Made from Chicken

  24. 每个星期要另外留出买宠物食品的钱。

    Set money aside for pet food each week .

  25. 宠物食品加工废水处理工程实例

    The engineering case of pet food processing wastewater treatment

  26. 显然,这类爱狗人士更愿意购买高价宠物食品。

    Apparently , those owners are more willing to buy pricier pet food .

  27. 她希望宠物食品事件能鸣起人们心中的警钟。

    She hopes the pet-food affair will be a wake-up call for everyone .

  28. 不要忘了罐装或不易腐的宠物食品。

    Don 't forget canned and non-perishable pet foods .

  29. 《财富》为您选取了几个经典案例,一起来看看吧。网络初创公司能否与实体宠物食品零售店一争高低?

    The challenge : Can a web startup take on brick-and-mortar pet food retailers ?

  30. 对在断乳的猪食中对作为一个供选择的家畜饲料的宠物食品副产物进行评估。

    Evaluation of pet food by-product as an alternative feedstuff in weanling pig diets .