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chǒng ài
  • dote on;favour;cosset;mollycoddle;make a pet of sb.;make a pet of sb;love ardently
宠爱 [chǒng ài]
  • [make a pet of sb.] 对在下者因喜欢而偏爱。用于上对下,地位高的人对地位低的人

  • 宠爱孩子

宠爱[chǒng ài]
  1. 你的旧礼拜者永远徘徊渴望仍被拒绝的宠爱。

    Your worshipper of old wanders ever longing for favour still refused .

  2. 父母们有时会宠爱家里最小的孩子。

    Parents sometimes favour the youngest child in the family .

  3. 丈夫对她百般宠爱,但这让她觉得不自在。

    Her husband was very loving , but she felt smothered .

  4. 宠爱他的父母在他13岁时就给他买了第一辆竞速自行车。

    His doting parents bought him his first racing bike at 13 .

  5. 希尔达姨妈和杰克姨父对他们宠爱有加。

    Auntie Hilda and Uncle Jack couldn 't fuss over them enough .

  6. 他惊愕地盯着自己最宠爱的孩子,满心恐惧。

    He stared at his favourite child , dismayed , filled with fear .

  7. 用我们的精美礼物宠爱一下自己吧。

    Pamper yourself with our luxury gifts

  8. 她非常宠爱孙子。

    She adores her grandson .

  9. 秋月向来受到诗人和热爱大自然的人们的宠爱。

    The autumn moon has always been a favourite with poets and lovers of nature .

  10. 当老师的不应该过分宠爱班上少数几个学生。

    A teacher shouldn 't have favourites in the class .

  11. 奶奶特别宠爱小孙儿。

    Grandma dotes on her little grandson .

  12. 他虽非嫡出,在家中却最受宠爱。

    He was not the son by the legal wife but he was the favourite child in the family .

  13. 这位宠爱妻子的丈夫总是高度满足太太的各项要求。

    The doting husband catered to his wife 's every wish .

  14. 总统宠爱的顾问班子中的一员

    a member of the President 's favoured circle of advisers

  15. 哈巴狗却会很多的鬼把戏,深得主人的宠爱。

    The lap-dog knew many tricks , and was a great favourite with his master .

  16. 没过多久,凯就成为附近居民中人人宠爱的对象。

    It didn 't take long before Kai was beloved by everyone in our neighborhood .

  17. 我认为这应该怪过度宠爱他们的“直升机父母”!

    I blame their helicopter parents !

  18. 现在看来,这只唐宁街的家猫Larry因为太过贪睡而失去了主人的宠爱。

    Now it seems Larry the Downing Street moggy has had one cat nap too many for his owner 's liking .

  19. 约瑟最得父亲宠爱,他获赠一件耀眼的“彩衣”(coatofmanycolors,原字面意义为“长袖外衣”〔coatwithflowingsleeves〕),令兄长们十分嫉妒。

    He was favored by his father , and his brothers became bitterly jealous when he was given a resplendent " coat of many colors "( literally , coat with flowing sleeves ) .

  20. 卡什•沃伦杰西卡•阿尔芭的小女儿6岁的Honor准备和宠爱鼓励她的爸爸一起荡秋千在1月28日洛杉矶的上映期时。

    CASH WARREN Jessica Alba 's little lady Honor , 6 , gets ready to take a swing alongside her doting dad , who offers encouragement during a Jan. 28 playdate in L.A.

  21. 德鲁?巴里摩尔17岁时在电影ET里扮演得角色使她一炮走红,最近由她出演的新片《共谱恋曲》仍然受到众多影迷的宠爱。

    Drew Barrymore became a film star at the age of seven with her role in the huge hit movie ET , but her film Music and Lyrics shows that she is still popular .

  22. 后门整天敞开着,好让她宠爱的那条老西高地白梗犬格斯(Gus)可以自由地跑到院子里去玩。

    The back door had been left open all day so that her aging , coddled Westie , Gus , could relieve himself in the yard .

  23. 他最宠爱的儿子约瑟(Joseph),被兄长们卖到埃及当奴隶,但后来一场饥荒迫使约瑟的兄长们到埃及寻找粮食,家族因而重聚。

    His favorite son , Joseph , was sold into slavery in Egypt by his brothers , but the family was later reunited when a famine forced the brothers to go to Egypt to seek grain .

  24. 大卫·贝克汉姆最近带着他的孩子们去了Nobu餐厅,此举证明了他可是一个相当宠爱孩子的老爸。

    David Beckham proved he 's a doting daddy when he took his children to Nobu recently .

  25. 智能卡以其丰富的密码算法功能和安全的密钥管理性能,加之灵巧、便携等优点,赢得了信息安全领域的宠爱,在PKI、电子商务/政务等方面都有着广泛的应用。

    Smart card has this rich cryptogram arithmetic and secure key management and along with its portability , it has won the favor of information security field and becomes widely applied in PKI , electronic business and administration .

  26. “Brainstorming”(头脑风暴)以前很受宠爱,意思是说大家坐在一起,积极想办法解决问题,一群人可以想出一箩筐的主意。

    Once upon a time , the favorite word was " brainstorming ," which meant coming together in a positive way to create a storm of great ideas or solve a problem .

  27. 更重要的是,他一直在促进和推动公司进行创新,直到公司成功地研发了iPod、iTunes、iPhone、MacBook和iPad,这些产品也全都获得了消费者的宠爱。

    More importantly , however , he pushed and prodded until Apple started innovating again with the iPod , iTunes , iPhone , MacBook and iPad . Consumers , of course , loved them all .

  28. 孩提时,她感觉备受宠爱和呵护。

    As a child she had felt very loved and protected .

  29. 她十分宠爱自己的儿子,到哪儿都带着他的照片。

    She dotes on her son and carries his picture everywhere .

  30. 我希望获得吸血鬼的宠爱,尤其希望。

    I want to gain the vampire 's favor , especially !