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cāng lóng
  • black dragon
苍龙 [cāng lóng]
  • (1) [Black Dragon]

  • (2) 二十八宿中东方七宿,即角、亢、氐、房、心、尾、箕的合称

  • (3) 太岁星,古时以为凶神,今比喻极其凶恶的人

  • 今日长缨在手,何时缚住苍龙?--毛泽东《清平乐.六盘山》

苍龙[cāng lóng]
  1. 苍龙峡是一处瀑布相叠、植被茂密、以险著称的深山峡谷。

    Black Dragon 's gorge is charactrictic for its folded waterfall , dense vegetation and its precipice .

  2. 苍龙峡正以其独特的魅力成为中国户外运动的胜地。

    Black Dragon gorge will become china famous scenic sport of outdoor exercises with its unique charm .

  3. 青龙,亦作苍龙,古代神话中的东方之神。

    Tsing Lung , and as a " black dragon ", the ancient myth of God the East .

  4. 日本代表团后来更改了提议,承诺将在澳大利亚船厂建造“苍龙级”(Soryu)潜艇。

    The Japanese delegation has since altered its proposal and promised that the Soryu submarines would be built at Australian shipyards .

  5. 于是,他挑战天下第一帮派苍龙派的掌门人段晓星(林峯),结果败在对方手上;

    He challenges Tuen Hiu Sing ( Raymond Lam Fung ), the leader of the top-ranked Chong Lung Sect , to a contest , but is defeated in the end .

  6. 先贤用天象来解释乾卦六龙,但由于未涉及具体的星宿证据,不能断定乾卦爻辞只能来自与苍龙有关的天象。

    As they did not illustrate specific constellations as evidence , we can not assure that the line statements are necessarily related to the " green dragon " in the sky .

  7. 青龙白虎掌四方,朱雀玄武顺阴阳,四灵圣兽苍龙、白虎、朱雀、玄武天之四灵。

    Dragon White Tiger palm Quartet , Suzaku Xuanwu Shun Yin and Yang , the four spiritual sacred black dragon , white tiger , Suzaku , basaltic days , four spirits .

  8. 本文认为乾卦六爻爻辞所说的“六龙”各种状态是苍龙星在一个回归年中所运动的不同天象。

    This paper advocates that the six states of the dragon described in the hexagram of Qian are six celestial phenomena of the star of the green dragon in a tropical year .

  9. 东方的角、亢、氏、房、心、尾、箕形状如龙,所以称东宫为青龙或苍龙;

    East corner , Kang , 's , the Housing , heart , tail , Kei shapes such as lung , so called Orient House as a black dragon or black dragon ;