
  • 网络Cangnan County
  1. 准军事警察试点汽艇通过淹没村庄苍南县,中国东部地区8月9日星期日,2009年。

    Paramilitary policemen pilot a motorboat through a flooded village in Cangnan county , eastern China Sunday Aug.9,2009 .

  2. 苍南县旅游条件优越,金色沙滩,彩色岛礁,山巅石海,古老村寨,构成了苍南独有的自然和人文旅游景观。

    Cangnan County Tourism favorable conditions , golden beaches , colored reefs , peaks of Shi , ancient villages , constitute Cangnan unique natural and cultural tourist attractions .

  3. 本文应用Garrett-Jones媒介能量理论,在浙江省苍南县水头乡用溴氰菊酯喷洒蚊帐,对中华按蚊传疟作用的影响进行了定量调查。

    This report used the vector capacity theory of Garrett-Jones to study the effect of controlling malaria transmission by An , Sinensis after spraying mosquito-nets with Deltamethrin .

  4. 苍南县蝗虫的发生与防治

    Occurrence of Locusts and Prevention

  5. 并以苍南县公路客运场站体系规划为例进行了实证研究。

    Finally , the planning of highway passenger transport station system in Cangnan will be applied for the instance .

  6. 苍南县政府对苍南茶文化和茶产业的发展还不够重视,缺少政策的扶持和引导。

    As a result , the development of tea culture and tea industry is lack of policy support and policy guidance .

  7. 有未经证实的据称是在苍南县拍摄的照片(已被发布在社交媒体上)显示,有上百人围攻一辆车,血迹斑斑的城管人员躲在车内。

    Unverified photos purportedly taken in Cangnan and posted on social media showed hundreds of people mobbing a van in which bloodied officers had taken refuge .

  8. 一名男子走在沙袋用来修补损坏堤防阻碍上升河的洪水淹没村庄苍南县,中国东部地区8月9日星期日,2009年。

    A man walks on sandbags used to patch a damaged dike holding back a rising river in a flooded village in Cangnan county , eastern China Sunday Aug.9,2009 .

  9. 对苍南县贫困现状的研究表明自然环境,自然资源,公共投资,公共教育等是造成贫困的基本原因;

    The case study of the county indicated that the basic factors which caused poverty were environment , natural resources , public investment , public education and some other factors .

  10. 专业欢迎各界朋友莅临苍南县金乡镇新恩标牌厂参观、指导和业务洽谈。

    The specialized welcome friend from all walks of life visits the Cangna County gold villages and towns new graciousness product label factory visit , the instruction and the service discussion .