
cāng tiān
  • heaven;ether;the blue sky;spring;providence;azure
苍天 [cāng tiān]
  • (1) [spring]∶古时指春天

  • (2) [heaven]∶上天;上苍

  • 悠悠苍天

苍天[cāng tiān]
  1. 数不尽的世代以来,渺渺苍天曾为我同胞们洒下多少同情之泪。

    Yonder sky has wept tears of compassion upon my people for centuries untold .

  2. 苍天在上!

    As heaven is my witness !

  3. 苍天在上,你究竟在干什麽?

    In god 's name , what are you doing ?

  4. 原谅我一片冰心,苍天可鉴。

    Forgive my one ice heart , heaven can Jian .

  5. 苍天作证,我确实已尽力而为了。

    Heaven only knows , I have tried hard enough .

  6. 一切切都在向苍天控诉我们这个畸形、让人压抑至死的时代。

    All these are accusing the twisted and depressing age to heaven .

  7. 要苍天知道,我不认输。

    Let God know that I 'll not be defeated .

  8. 苍天保佑,福寿永绵长!

    God bless you and keep you , mother machree !

  9. 求求你了,苍天啊。

    Please , God . Please , please , please .

  10. 我是苍天的一小块

    that l was a little piece of blue sky ...

  11. 炎炎夏日,苍天终有情时;

    The overpoweringly hot summer day , the heaven end feels emotion when ;

  12. 苍天笑,纷纷世上潮。

    The heavens laugh , at the troubled world .

  13. 冲聩聩苍天,我徒然惨呼,

    And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries ,

  14. 这是自然界孕育的一棵苍天大树,小男孩在树下显得多小呀。

    A wild glorious tree which made the boy below seams even smaller .

  15. 苍天有井独自空,星落天川遥映瞳。

    Heaven is well , starfall days alone , reflected the pupil away .

  16. 而这边是梦想家,艺术家和有远见的人。苍天大地啊!

    And here we have the dreamers , the artists , the visionaries .

  17. 任同一个苍天随意褒贬抑扬,

    Cheered and checked even by the selfsame sky ,

  18. 有时候苍天的巨眼照得太灼热,

    Sometimes too hot the eys of heaven shines ,

  19. 阿特拉斯神被宙斯降罪来用双肩支撑苍天的一个擎天神;

    Atlas a Titan condemned by Zeus to support the heavens upon his shoulders .

  20. 他的骄傲虽高顶苍天,他的头虽插入青云。

    Though his pride reach to the heavens and his head touch the clouds .

  21. 我的内心寂寞,我想触摸苍天,天堂此刻坠落!

    Lonely in my heart , heaven falls as I reach for the sky .

  22. 他们叫森林折服于脚的周围又把苍天托起高高支撑。

    They fold their forest round their feet ; And bolster up the sky .

  23. 让苍天知道我不认输。

    Let the heaven know my gameness .

  24. 我愿做一只鸟,翱翔于苍天,无忧无虑。

    I wish I were a bird , flying in the heavens , without anxiety .

  25. 写在苍天之上的名字。

    Names written in the pale sky .

  26. 什么样的苍天抑或平原?

    What shapes of sky or plain ?

  27. 半神人们在无生命的苍天之上四处巡视,他们并不在意你们。

    Demigods patrol the lifeless expanse above , and they don 't care about you .

  28. 愿苍天保佑我所深爱的姐姐!

    Heaven bless my beloved sister !

  29. 他独自铺张苍天,步行在海浪之上。

    Which alone spreadeth out the heavens , and treadeth upon the waves of the sea .

  30. 此刻,一道闪电直刺大地–苍天划出惊叹号。

    Now the first bolt oflightning stabs the earth . It is heaven 's exclamation point .