
  • 网络Pet insurance
  1. 这张愿望清单是由MORETHN宠物保险公司以及电视兽医马克·亚伯拉罕搜集制作的。

    The bucket list was compiled by MORE THN pet insurance and TV vet Marc Abraham .

  2. 我们第一次相遇时,他大谈特谈的宠物保险业务,在这本书中专门有一章。

    Hill devotes a chapter to pet insurance business he touted when we first met .

  3. 宠物保险公司“真伴”允许其员工带薪休假一天,来与死去的宠物说再见。

    Trupanion , a pet insurance firm , offers its staff one paid day of pet bereavement .

  4. 这张愿望清单是由MORETH>N宠物保险公司以及电视兽医马克·亚伯拉罕搜集制作的。

    The bucket list was compiled by MORE TH > N pet insurance and TV vet Marc Abraham .

  5. 举个典型的例子,向开始买猫砂的人推销宠物保险是值得一试的;

    To give an obvious example , it would be worth offering pet insurance to someone who has started buying kitty-litter .

  6. 这种产品让我想到了那些宠物保险条款如果你的猫走失,保险会支付你复印和分发寻猫启事的费用。

    The product reminds me of pet insurance policies that pay for you to photocopy and distribute posters of puss if she strays .

  7. 前两类机构提供的狗寿命可能更长,因为犬舍俱乐部的成员和买了宠物保险的主人可能会花更多钱来延长爱犬寿命。

    The first two may be biased toward longer-living dogs , because owners who belong to clubs and buy insurance may spend more to prolong their pets'lives .

  8. 宠物保险公司一份新数据显示,邮政人员与运输司机受伤事件中,有超过三分之一的罪魁祸首当属拉布拉多。

    New data from a pet insurer reveals labradors as the culprit in a surprising number of claims and more than a third of the total come from postal staff and delivery drivers .

  9. 若是为了负担高科技的卫生保健,主人可买到宠物健康保险。

    To pay for the high-tech health care , people can buy health insurance for their pets .

  10. 这位来自于温哥华附近鲍恩岛的家伙走了进来,说:“我想成立世界上最好的宠物健康保险公司。”

    So in walks this guy from Bowen Island , outside of Vancouver , and he says , " I want to have the best pet health insurance company in the world . "

  11. 兽医能提供给动物极好的医疗照顾--价格也极昂贵,若为了负担更先进的健康医疗照顾,人们可以为他们的宠物买健康保险。

    Veterinarians can give animals an incredible level of medical careNfor an incredible price . To pay for the high-tech health care , people can buy health insurance for their pets .

  12. 事实上,我们在深入了解后发现,英国有25%的宠物都买了保险,美国只有1%。

    In fact , as we looked into it , 25 % of the pets were insured in the U.K. , and 1 % of the pets in America were insured .