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  • fish guano;guano
鱼肥[yú féi]
  1. 不过就在两天后,据新闻报道,一只鲸鲨被捕杀并在附近的北海市场作为鱼肥出售。

    Then two days later , news spread that a whale shark had been killed and sold as fish food at nearby Beihai market .

  2. 实验各组鱼肥满度、肝体比、肝脏脂肪和糖原含量、肌肉中脂肪含量较对照组均有不同程度下降,肝脏脂肪中总饱和脂肪酸比例上升,而总多不饱和脂肪酸比例下降;

    The ratio of total saturated fatty acids (Σ SFA ) in lipid of liver with fish in test groups was higher and total polyunsaturated fatty acid (Σ PUFA ) was lower than fish in the control group .

  3. 我听人说,这河里的鱼又肥又大。

    I heard fish here are fat and big .

  4. 这些鱼很肥,并且看上去很鲜美。

    They were fat and looked delicious .

  5. 根据鱼类的营养规律和养殖水体中盐类的变化情况,研制和施用了鱼饵料专用肥,介绍鱼饵料专用肥配方及其施用方法。

    By fishs nutrient equipments and salt changes in breeding water , a specialty fertilizer for fish bait is researched and tested .

  6. 鱼蛋白甘蓝专用肥能够促进甘蓝的生长发育,甘蓝叶球产量显著增加。

    To cabbage , special fertilizer promoted the growth by increasing leaf ball yield .