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  • fish dive;break
鱼跃 [yú yuè]
  • (1) [break]∶鱼跃出水面

  • 鱼跃有时可预兆自然变异

  • (2) [fish dive]∶像鱼那样跳跃

  • 他一个鱼跃,将球扑住

鱼跃[yú yuè]
  1. 公司惟才是用,天高任鸟飞,海阔凭鱼跃。

    Company spend , it high to let bird fly to , rich to need the fish dive sea have .

  2. 守门员一个鱼跃向球扑去,可是没有扑到。

    The goalie dived for the ball , but missed it .

  3. 守门员一个鱼跃向球扑去。

    The goalkeeper made a dive for the ball .

  4. 在B组的第一场比赛中,这位替补上场球员的鱼跃冲顶给伊朗队带来久违的胜利。

    The substitute 's diving header was a late winner for Iran in their opening match in Group B.

  5. 我们队的左外野手鱼跃接球。

    This left fielder of our team made a diving catch .

  6. 那鱼扑通一声跃回河中.鱼跃出水面落到岸上

    The fish leap out of water and landed on the shore

  7. 守门员做了一个精彩的鱼跃动作救回一球。

    The goalkeeper made a spectacular dive to save the goal .

  8. 警察鱼跃拦截那个窃贼。

    The policeman stopped the burglar with a flying tackle .

  9. 掌握鱼跃前滚翻的合理教学程序和练习方法

    Mastery of Rational Teaching Procedure and Practice Method for Diving Forward Roll

  10. 红树林、芦苇荡和桑基鱼塘中鸟飞鱼跃;

    Mangroves , reed marshes and ponds in the bird flew diving mulberry ;

  11. 他说他将是第一个在热身时使用鱼跃救球的人。

    He said he would be the first person to dive during the warm-up .

  12. 守门员有一次出色的鱼跃救球。

    The goalkeeper made a fantastic diving save .

  13. 制胜球是朴智星打进的,他用教科书般的鱼跃顶进弗莱彻的传中十分勇敢。

    He showed real bravery to convert Darren Fletcher 's cross with a textbook diving header .

  14. 海空任鱼跃,天高任鸟飞,悠悠然自得其乐。

    The vast sea allows fishes to leap about , and open sky leaves birds to glide .

  15. 专门的防守技术有垫球、倒地救球、滚翻救球、鱼跃救球。

    Special defensive skills include the dig , the sprawl , the roll , and the dive .

  16. 但22岁的米勒,以“鱼跃”的姿势俯冲过终点线,在电子仪器判定下,最终获得冠军。

    But Miller , 22 , threw herself over the line to clinch victory in a photo finish .

  17. 阔凭鱼跃,天高任鸟飞,分析师和市场策略师每年都费尽心机猜测股市走向。

    Fish gotta swim , birds gotta fly and analysts and market strategists gotta try predicting what stocks will do every year .

  18. 巴斯滕在马德里出神入化的表演倾倒众生,他不可思议地冲破牛顿定律,鱼跃冲顶打进一球。

    Watching mesmerized the Divine Swan defy the laws of gravity of Newton in Madrid and score a divingheader from the ground .

  19. 然而老人盯着,只见一条小金枪鱼跃到空中,一个转身,头朝下,扎进了水里了。

    But as the old man watched , a small tuna rose in the air , turned and dropped head first into new water .

  20. 在田径女子400米决赛最后阶段,肖恩·米勒“鱼跃”冲线,击败美国选手埃里森·菲利克斯夺得金牌之后,却被质疑“作弊”。

    Shaunae Miller was accused of cheating after she dived over the line to beat USA 's Allyson Felix to gold in the 400 metres .

  21. 海阔凭鱼跃天高任鸟飞&论网络环境下文献检索课教师的出路

    Wide Sea the Fish to Leap About and Vast Sky the Birds to Fly & The Outlet of Document Retrieval Course Teacher under the Network Environment

  22. 鱼跃医疗设备有限公司全体员工满怀希望与热情,立志于打造中国最好的医疗设备供应与服务企业,为人类的健康事业做出我们的最大努力。

    All the staff of YuYue company are trying their best to manufacture the best medical equipment and supply the best service for all the people .

  23. 朴智星通过在下半场勇敢的鱼跃冲顶为曼联打进了制胜的一球,同时弗莱彻也表现出色,他令人惊叹的表现已经使人们记住了他。

    Park struck the winning goal with his daring diving header in the second half , while Fletcher added another fine display to his already impressive portfolio of big-match performances .

  24. 等他后来看到鱼跃出水面,在落下前一动不动地悬在半空中的那一刹那,他确信此中准有什么莫大的奥秘,使他无法相信。

    Then when he had seen the fish come out of the water and hang motionless in the sky before he fell , he was sure there was some great strangeness and he could not believe it .

  25. 由于该男子没有明确表示要去除排球的同时一同去除掉小男孩,一个Imgur用户把男孩移走了,但换了个职业排球运动员上阵,鱼跃飞扑向球。

    As the man didn 't explicitly say to remove the volleyball as well as the boy , one Imgur user removed the boy but replaced him with a professional volleyball player , diving for the ball 。

  26. 此外,运动员的发球、发球、前对攻、身鱼跃救球等都充满了诗情画意。守门员做了一个精彩的鱼跃动作救回一球。

    Besides , athletes ' service , receiving , attacks near the net and fish dives to save the ball all are full of poetic charms . The goalkeeper make a spectacular dive to save the goal .