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  1. 后来,老冷再也没有怕过鱼家堡的狗。

    Later on , Cool-man feared no dogs around Fish Village Town .

  2. 后来,她的先生拎着鱼回到家,很少下厨的他,细心,认真地煲了一锅汤。

    Later , her husband went back home with fishes , carefully and earnestly did a pot soup by himself nearly few in kitchen .

  3. 日常饮食通过进食富含铁的食物如菠菜、瘦肉、鱼、家禽肉、蚕豆类、含铁的谷物及葡萄干,来保持一个健康铁含量。

    Maintain a healthy iron level in your diet by eating iron rich foods , such as spinach , red meat , fish , poultry , beans , iron-fortified cereals and raisins .

  4. 鱼在这家厂里装成罐头。

    The fish is canned in the factory .

  5. 鱼和来家的客人一样,过三天就不是味了。

    Fish and visitors smell in three days .

  6. 香蕉鱼书店是一家位于上海的线上独立书店。

    BANANAFISH BOOKS is an independent online bookstore based in Shanghai .

  7. 河是鱼和鳄鱼的家。

    The river is home to a fish and a crocodile .

  8. 鱼是在这家工厂制成罐头的。

    The fish is canned in this factory .

  9. 当他听见很多鱼落在他家屋顶上是会是多么惊讶啊。

    How surprised he must have been when he heard many fish hitting against his roof !

  10. 游动的鲑鱼群(如在溯江洄游途中)河是鱼和鳄鱼的家。

    A run of salmon , eg on their way upstream The river is home to a fish and a crocodile .

  11. 龙佃海洋生物科技有限公司(LongDiannMarineBioTechnology)的水产养殖场位于台湾海滨小镇枋寮。这里最名贵的鱼鞍带石斑鱼在任何一家餐馆的水族箱都不太可能看到。

    The most valuable fish from Long Diann Marine Bio Technology 's aquaculture farms in the Taiwanese seaside town of Fangliao is unlikely to be found in any restaurant tank .

  12. 鲁国宰相公仪休非常爱吃鱼,得知他这一嗜好的鲁国人纷纷拎着鱼,送到他家来。

    Gong Yixiu , the prime minister of the state of Lu , was very foud of fish . The people of Lu who knew his addiction1 all came to his home bringing him fish .