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yú wǎng
  • fishing net;fishnet;trammel
渔网 [yú wǎng]
  • [fishnet] 见鱼网

渔网[yú wǎng]
  1. 然后他们需要在冰面下布置渔网

    Then they need to set their fishing net under the ice

  2. 有很多鱼落入渔网。

    A lot of fish were caught in the fishing net .

  3. 这些渔网是靠铅坠下沉的。

    The fishing nets are weighted with lead .

  4. 渔网缠在礁石上了。

    The nets snagged on some rocks .

  5. 几个渔夫坐在木桶上修补渔网。

    Several fishermen sat on wooden barrels , tending their nets .

  6. 当地渔民的渔网老是被水下的东西钩住。

    Local fishermen 's nets kept snagging on underwater objects .

  7. 货船的螺旋桨被渔网缠住了。

    The freighter fouled its propeller in fishing nets .

  8. 动物被缠进渔网里淹死了。

    Animals get tangled in fishing nets and drown

  9. 渔夫把渔网拴在船舷上。

    The fisherman fastened his net to the side of the boat .

  10. 渔夫们拉回了装满鱼的渔网。

    The fishermen drew in their nets full of fish .

  11. 渔民们正在补渔网。

    The fishermen are mending their nets .

  12. 沉重的渔网把他拖下崖边坠入海中。

    The weight of the net pulled him over the edge and into the sea .

  13. 渔网要在网底坠上重物。

    Fishing nets are weighted .

  14. 当船附近有鱼时,海豚会向渔民发出信号,让他们把渔网放到水里。

    When there are fish near a boat , dolphins signalto the fishermen to put their nets in the water .

  15. 花一杯734咖啡的钱也可以为一个难民买一张渔网。

    For   example , a   cup   of   734   coffee   can   also   buy   one   fishing   net for   a   refugee .

  16. 被渔绳或渔网缠住是鲸鱼面临的最大威胁之一。

    Getting caught up in fishing ropes or nets is one of the biggest threats to whales .

  17. 鲸鱼身上的伤疤表明,被研究的60%的蓝鲸和大约半数的长须鲸曾在它们生命中的某个时刻被渔网缠住。

    Scars seen on the bodies of the whales suggest that 60 % of blue whales studied , and about half of fin whales , had been entangled in nets at some point in their life .

  18. 有一天,一个会吹长笛的渔夫带着笛子和渔网来到海边,他站在一块突出海面的岩石上,开始吹笛子,希望用笛声引诱鱼儿跳出海面。

    A fisherman who could play the flute1 went down one day to the sea-shore with his nets and his lute2 ; and , taking his stand on a projecting rock ; began to play a tune3 , thinking that the music would bring the fish jumping out of the sea .

  19. UV辐照尼龙-6渔网材料的凝胶化改性研究

    Study on Gel-modification of Nylon-6 Fishnet Materials by UV Irradiation

  20. 本研究采用紫外线(UV)对渔网材料尼龙-6纤维辐照,继而进行接枝AA的表面凝胶化改性研究,以制备一种能防止海洋污损生物附着的渔网材料。

    Nylon-6 fishnet materials were irradiated by UV , and grafted by AA to prepare a kind of anti-halobios coherence fishnet .

  21. ArnoldPointer是一位来自南澳大利亚的职业渔夫,他曾经将一只落入渔网的雌性大白鲨放生。

    Arnold Pointer a professional fisherman from south of Australia set free from a certain death a big female White Shark that was caught in his fishing nets .

  22. 水手赶快用渔网把猫从海里拉回来。

    The sailor hurriedly scooped up the cat with his net .

  23. 在收最后一个渔网,

    when they were hauling in the last of their nets ,

  24. 他俩立刻丢下渔网,跟随了耶稣。

    At once , they abandoned their nets and followed him .

  25. 修补渔网是渔夫的工作之一。

    One of fishermen 's work is to mend their nets .

  26. 渔网用尼龙长丝纱捻线试验法

    Testing method for twisted nylon filament yarn for fishing net

  27. 带着渔网,捕捞鲜鱼!

    Taking a net with me , get myself a few fishes !

  28. GB/T4925-1985合成纤维渔网片断裂强力与断裂伸长率试验方法

    Testing method for breaking load and elongation of netting of synthetic fibre

  29. 比如说,一些来捕鲸鱼的渔网。

    Some fishing nets , for example , trap whales .

  30. 这些疲惫、害怕的孩子们就被扔到水中去解开渔网。

    frightened children are thrown into the water to untether the lines .