
  • 网络Travertine plate;calcareous plate
  1. 结果表明,研制的无石棉硅酸钙板具有密度较低、强度较高、高温线收缩率小的特性,设计、制造的新型耐火风管的耐火极限大于2.5h。

    The results show that , the said board has excellent physical characteristics , and the fire duct has a fire endurance time of not less than 2.5 h.

  2. 流浆法硅酸钙板生产中的几个问题

    Some questions about calcium silicate board production by slurry process

  3. 微孔硅酸钙板在铝电解槽上的应用

    Application of microporous calcium silicate plate for aluminium cell

  4. 钾钙板锆石无色透明.玻璃光泽。

    Wadeite is colorless and transparent as well as on lustre of glass .

  5. 落叶松刨切薄木的研究贴面硅酸钙板

    Slicing veneer of Larch face-decorated calcium silicate board

  6. 粉石英硅酸钙板的生产技术

    Production technology of powdered quartz calcium silicate board

  7. 长石粉防火硅酸钙板的研制

    Development of Fire-Proof Felspar Powder Calcium Silicate Board

  8. 铅酸蓄电池铅钙板栅合金的研制及其性能的研究

    Preparation of the Pb-Ca Alloys for the Grids of Lead-Acid Batteries and its Properties

  9. 钾钙板锆石的发现与研究

    Discovery and Study on wadeite

  10. 贴面硅酸钙板

    Face-decorated calcium silicate board

  11. 研究了以纤维水镁石增强的硅酸钙板的配料方案、生产工艺等。

    The batching plan and production technology of the calcium silicate board reinforced with fiber brucite have been studied .

  12. 叙述了低锑、铅钙板栅合金的组成,某些添加元素的影响及其作用机理。

    The constituent of the Pb-Sb and Pb-Ca alloys and the mechanism of the influence of the additive elements is related .

  13. 本文分析了硅酸钙板吊顶产生裂缝的原因机理,提出治理该通病的一些建议和做法。

    The reason of crack accrued in ceiling of silicate calcium board is analyzed in this paper , treatment and suggestion are also proposed .

  14. 南山洞所有化石发现于洞内浅褐色砂质粘土中,堆积物第二层钙板层的铀系年龄为30&40ka。

    All the fossils in Nanshan cave were collected from brown fine sandy-clay . Ages of U-series dating on the second flow-stone are around 30 to 40 ka .

  15. 研究了一种新型耐火风管的制造方法,探讨了在一定的工艺条件下耐火风管主材-无石棉硅酸钙板的模压成型配方。

    By a given moulding technique condition , the details of contents for producing asbestos-free calcium silicate board , the primary material for the fire duct , were discussed .

  16. 本文介绍了纤维增强硅酸钙板的技术性能,生产工艺,及利用尾砂生产硅钙板的实验和产品检测。

    This article describes the technical performance of fibre-strengthened calcium silicate plate , its manufacturing process and a test of producing calcium silicate plate by using tailings as well as product inspections .

  17. 中、晚更新世洞穴古人类遗址中,多有与遗物有明确层位关系的钙板或其它形式的钟乳石类碳酸岩,是测定铀系年龄的理想材料。

    In many of the karstic caves once occupied by Middle or Late Pleistocene hominids , there exist travertine layers and / or stalagmitic carbonates of other forms , which are suitable for U-series dating .

  18. 铅钙合金板栅的有关问题

    On the Practice of Lead Calcium Battery Grids of Storage Battery

  19. 深循环用铅钙合金板栅极板的固化

    Solidification process of plates with Pb-Ca alloy grids for deep cycles

  20. 磷酸对铅钙合金板栅性能的影响

    Effect of Phosphoric Acid on the Performance of Lead-Calcium Alloy Grid

  21. 钠钙玻璃板激光热应力切割过程的有限元仿真

    Finite element simulation of laser-controlled thermal stress separation of soda-lime glass plate

  22. 温度对钠钙玻璃板在双向弯曲试验中裂纹分叉的影响

    Effect of Temperature on Crack Branching in Soda-Lime Glass Plates Subjected to Biaxial Flexure

  23. 一种含钡的铅钙合金板栅材料的研制

    A lead-calcium alloy with barium for battery grids

  24. 本文综述了使用铅钙合金板栅的一些实用性问题。

    The author Summarized some problems encountered in the practice of lead calcium alloy grids manufacturing .

  25. 实验结果表明用铅钙合金作板栅,在正膏中加入0.2%的Y添加剂,所制成的正极板,具有较高的初始容量和较长的寿命。

    Experimen - tal results show that the plate grids made of the Pb-Ca alloy and the addition of 0.2 % Y into the positive paste contribute to higher initial capacity and longer life .

  26. 低银铅钙合金阳极板正在电解金属锰生产中推广使用,与银、锑、锡、铅四元合金阳极相比具有成本低、耐腐蚀、寿命长优点。

    The anode plate made of low Ag-Pb-Ca alloy is being applied into the production of EMM . It has advantages over the anode made of Ag-Sb-Pb alloy in lower cost , corrosion resistance and longer working time .

  27. 无水氯化钙干燥长期保存板层角膜片的临床应用与体会

    Clinical use of lamellar corneal grafts preserved by desiccation with anhydrous calcium chloride