
lú zhǐ shù
  • cranial index
颅指数[lú zhǐ shù]
  1. 西安地区骨性II类面型青年与正常人颅面部比例指数比较

    Comparison of craniofacial proportion indices between skeletal class ⅱ and normal adults

  2. 计算颅下颌关节紊乱指数(CMI)并进行统计学分析。

    Craniomandibular index ( CMI ) was calculated for all the patients .

  3. 长颅的头盖骨指数在74。9或更少的。

    Having a relatively long skull with a cranial index of74.9or less .

  4. 在14岁前的儿童,颅底宽径增长快于头颅宽径,故颅宽颅底究指数随年龄增长而增大;

    Before 14 years , the width of the skull base increases quicker than that of the cranium .