- passivity

[passivity] 化学活性不大的状态,尤指金属失去了正常的化学活性因而抗腐蚀
Pitting is deepened and widened because the alloy is activated in acid OCC and the anode oxidation coating out of OCC is inactive . The Electrolyzed Processing of Deep Hole
Calculation of Corrosion Rate of Passive Metals with Charge Curve Analysis Technique
Effect of cl ~ - ion on the impedance of passive-film-covered electrodes
Influence of biofilms adsorption kinetics on the open-circuit-potential changes of Passive Metals in seawater
Applying the Maximum Distribution in Statistical Theory to Study the Pitting Corrosion on Passive Metals
Because of the influences of temperature , chloride concentration , hydrostatic pressure and dissolved oxygen , passive metals usually suffer the localized corrosion in service .
AC current is liable to have corrosive potential drift to active area , changes the form of metal polarization curve and thus increases the density of passive current .
The existence of the crevice impeded the formation of passive state of the samples to reduce the passive stability . Thus , the corrosion rate of titanium alloy slightly accelerated .
Under this condition , the EIS of passive electrode further showed that the metal electrode surface was subject to scraping and stroke of solid particles in flowing solid / liquid two-phase media .
The results of galvano-chemistry test show that when the atom ratio of Ce and B reaches 5:8 , the alloy may exhibit the lowest passivating Current density ( Icorr ) and corrosion rate .
The result of the pitting corrosion experiment on the passive stainless steel in the laboratory is analysed with statistical theory . It shows that the distribution of the maximum depth of the pitting corrosion is coincident with the gumbel type I maximum distribution law .
The PIV experimental investigation on cold-state wake behind bluff-body
Study of cold state velocity field with slitting bluff body in open space