
jí xí
  • impromptu;extemporaneous;extempore;off the cuff;take one's seat
即席 [jí xí]
  • (1) [extemporaneous;impromptu]∶当场;当座

  • 臧盾之饮,肖解之文,皆即席之美也。--《南史.肖解传》

  • 一次出色的即席演说

  • (2) [take one's seat]∶就席;入席

  • 来宾陆续即席

即席[jí xí]
  1. NBA即席解说词正如NBA比赛本身一样精彩、生动、丰富,它与其他语言文体如广告、新闻、演讲等大不相同,表现出自身独特的语言特点。

    Impromptu NBA commentaries , different from other language style such as advertising , news and speech and so on , is as wonderful , vivid and colorful as NBA game itself , and shows its different style for the particular situation and the event itself .

  2. “现场站立思考”是指能够快速组织自己的观点,不要提前准备便能针对某个主题发表演讲,这种类型的演讲常常被称为即席演讲。

    This type of speech is often called an impromptu speech .

  3. 考试包括一篇作文和一篇即席翻译。

    The exam consists of an essay and an unseen translation .

  4. 他完全脱稿,慷慨激昂地进行即席演说。

    He completely departed from the text and extemporized in a very energetic fashion .

  5. 那位钢琴家为那首歌即席伴奏。

    The pianist improvised an accompaniment to the song .

  6. 雏凤清于老凤声。(李商隐《韩冬郎即席为诗相送因成二绝》)

    A young Phoenix sings better than an old one . [ said of a son surpassing his father or of a student surpassing his master ] .

  7. 他即席创作了一首足球队胜利之歌。

    He improvised a song about the football team 's victory .

  8. 总裁即席发表了一篇工作餐后演说

    The president extemporized a speech after the working dinner .

  9. 您从来都唔擅长玩“有口难言”或者“即席表演”之类既游戏。

    I have never been at games like charades or improvisational acting .

  10. 她即席做了这些评价

    She had made these remarks offhandedly .

  11. 如果必须无条件使用即席SQL,则参数化SQL是很重要的。

    Parameterized SQL is great if you absolutely must use ad hoc SQL .

  12. 许多基于Web的项目都包含即席(ad-hoc)查询系统以允许终端用户搜索信息。

    Many Web-based projects contain ad-hoc query systems that allow end users to search for information .

  13. 目前,正在应用的面向即席查询应用的GIS系统不能满足企业运营要求。

    At present , the existing GIS system that faces the extempore inquire can 't meet the demand of the enterprises running .

  14. CUBE计算是OLAP即席查询分析的基础。

    The computation of CUBE is the basis of ad hoc query in OLAP .

  15. v.即席而作他在足球赛中临时为校歌作新词。

    improvise He improvised a new stanza for the school song at the football game .

  16. 您可以在sharepoint站点中添加、打开和保存即席报表。

    You can add , open , and save ad hoc reports to a SharePoint site .

  17. 主要探讨了在异构数据库环境下的数据自动交换机制,ODS系统如何兼顾即席查询和决策分析查询的性能,以及后台数据如何在WEB环境下进行展现。

    The mechanism of automatic data exchange , performance of Ad-hoc query and analysis query of ODS are also discussed , as well as the presentation of background database in web .

  18. SPSS和FACETS等统计工具表明,两人交谈这一任务类型比即席讲话更难,但是这一实际难度并未显著地表现在受试的感知上。

    Statistical tools such as SPSS and FACETS reveal that Discussion is more difficult than Individual Presentation which is not significantly associated with test-takers ' perceptions .

  19. 用户即席查询设计,该系统是自行设计的一套组合查询系统,使用POWERBUILDER编写了以SybaseIQ为数据源的灵活、高效的查询统计工具。

    We design a search system using Power Builder and Sybase IQ vivid the data source . The system is a set of combinations search system and it is nimble and efficiently .

  20. 他们是当今最杰出的电视演员,风格介于毫无章法的即席喜剧和炽烈的安妮·迪佛·史密斯(AnnaDeavereSmith)式感情主义一人多角剧之间。

    They were two of the best actors on television , hailing from somewhere between the lawlessness of improv comedy and the high-impact emotionalism of Anna Deavere Smith 's one-woman , zillion-character plays . "

  21. 且为用户提供灵活多样的展现方式,包括报表、图表、即席查询、OLAP分析、指标监视等。

    And the system provides the users with flexible and various modes of representation , including reporting , charts , ad hoc queries , OLAP analysis , indicator monitoring and so forth .

  22. 那个10岁的小女孩即席作诗应景。

    The ten-year-old girl struck off a poem for the occasion .

  23. 女发言人向报界即席作了几句评论。

    The spokeswoman made a few ad-lib comments for the press .

  24. 她非常善于就这些问题作即席演说。

    She 's very good at speaking on these issues off-the-cuff .

  25. 数据仓库被设计用来适应即席查询。

    Data warehouses are designed to accommodate ad hoc queries .

  26. 总统的即席演讲胜过他的正式演说。

    The president 's off-the-cuff remarks are better than his official statement .

  27. 聚会上,我应邀做了个即席的发言。

    I was asked to make a casual speech at the party .

  28. 本文主要讨论即席口译的理解过程。

    This paper aims at describing the comprehension process in consecutive interpreting .

  29. 优化小型新查询或即席查询集。

    Tuning small set of new or ad hoc queries .

  30. 尼克松对一切都很满意,颇有些情不自禁地发表了他的即席祝酒词。

    Nixon carried away with it all , delivered his extemporaneous toast .