
  • 网络Strategy
  1. 地图不会象在即时策略游戏中例如魔兽III那样,随着探索地图的空白部分就会打开。

    The map is not revealed by traveling in a blank portion of the map such as is found in real time strategy games like Warcraft III.

  2. 游戏简介:《倒霉熊救援大行动》是一款紧张刺激的即时策略游戏。

    " Unlucky bear rescue operation " is a thrilling real-time strategy game .

  3. 一种基于JAVA多线程的即时显示策略

    A Real - Time Display Strategy based on Multiple Threads in Java

  4. 利用本文提出的基于即时学习策略的改进SVM预测建模方法建立球磨机负荷预测模型,由于本文方法具有较好的在线自适应性能力,能更好的适应制粉系统运行过程中的不同工况。

    Because the proposed modeling method has good online self-adaptive ability , so the obtained model can have better adaptation to different operating conditions .

  5. 历史探究性学习方法培养的策略:1.问题情境策略2.教师指导策略3.归纳总结策略4.迁移训练策略5.即时评价策略。

    Teachers ' guidance policy 3 . inductive summary policy 4 . migration training policy 5 . instant evaluation policy .

  6. 这三个不同的强大的种族将再次在快节奏即时的策略结局上对传奇原作进行冲击。

    These three distinct and powerful races will clash once again in the fast-paced real-time strategy sequel to the legendary original , starcraft .

  7. 家庭即时回应策略的类型与效果决定于家庭网络系统,尤其是家庭支持网络系统的层次组成、网络规模以及其所提供资源援助的频率与资源援助量等方面因素。

    Its type and effect are determined by family network system , in particular the composition and the scale of family support network , the assistance frequency and amount of resources provided by family support network .

  8. 汉语句子中的词汇信息在整合加工时采取即时的整合策略。在整合过程中,词汇信息得到了即时的利用,影响着句子结构的构建。

    The conclusions are as follows : ( 1 ) Lexical information is immediately integrated in Chinese sentence processed , and influence sentence construction .

  9. 手机出版作为新兴的出版产业形态,不仅可以帮助传统出版商即时调整营销策略,而且极大地降低了成本。

    As a new emerging shape of publishing industry , mobile publishing not only can help traditional publishers adjust marketing strategy , but enormously reduce the cost .

  10. 多点中继(multipointrelaying,MPR)是一种有效的移动adhoc网络即时泛洪广播策略。

    It is proved that multipoint relaying ( MPR ) is an efficient strategy for on-the-fly flooding in mobile ad hoc networks . Upon receiving a flooding packet , each relaying node designated by the packet selects nodes from its neighbors for next packet relay .