
  • 网络impromptu speech;Speaking Impromptu;Table Topic
  1. 一般我要花费三周以上来准备一个好的即兴演讲。

    It usually takes more than three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech .

  2. 在现场评委的见证下,所有的参赛选手分别参与了预备演讲,即兴演讲和现场回答问题的三个环节的比赛。

    Contestants delivered a prepared speech , an impromptu speech and faced a Q & A session in front of a panel of judges .

  3. 她在典礼上做了一次即兴演讲。

    She made an extemporaneous speech on the ceremony .

  4. 据媒体SAPeopleNews报道,Dladla不以乞讨为生,而是通过做书评并和路人谈论作家赚取生活来源,从本质上来讲他所做的是图书俱乐部中的即兴演讲。

    Instead of panhandling , Dladla reviews books and discusses authors with passers-by -- impromptu book club sessions , essentially -- to earn an income , according to SA People News .

  5. 中国大学生英语即兴演讲中的主位和主位推进模式研究

    Theme and Thematic Progression Patterns in Chinese EFL Learners ' Impromptu Speeches

  6. 对英语演讲比赛中即兴演讲的体裁分析

    A Genre Analysis of Impromptu Speeches in English Speaking Competitions

  7. 英语即兴演讲是大学生学习英语口语中的一大难点。

    English impromptu is an interesting and a difficult form of oral English .

  8. 中国大学生即兴演讲的人际意义研究

    Interpersonal Meaning in Chinese University Students ' Impromptu Speeches

  9. 即兴演讲,即兴发言我不准备发言稿,我将即兴发言。

    I won 't prepare a speech : I 'll talk off the cuff .

  10. 我不擅长即兴演讲;

    Not good at speaking off the cuff ;

  11. 大学生英语即兴演讲技巧浅谈

    On the Techniques of College English Impromptu

  12. 即兴演讲部分的题目将在演讲前告知。

    The topic for the offhand speech will be read out just before the speech .

  13. 最佳的即兴演讲是事先写好了稿子的演讲(露丝戈登)

    The best impromptu speeches are the ones written well in advance ( Ruth Gordon )

  14. 并不仅仅是因为他们沿街守候我我还做了一个即兴演讲

    Not just because they lined in the streets and threw me in an impromptu prate

  15. 由此,中国学生的演讲技能,特别是即兴演讲技能仍待提高。

    Therefore , the public speeches of Chinese students still have room for improvement , especially impromptu speeches .

  16. 演讲分三类,命题演讲、即兴演讲、辩论演讲。

    Speech can be divided into three kinds , entitled speech , improvised speech , and debate speech .

  17. 每个人都试着就这些话题展开即兴演讲,方舒琼认为这样做可以即有效又很好玩。

    Everyone tries to make impromptu speeches about these topics , which Fang says is helpful and fun .

  18. 本文是《北京青年报》总编辑张延平在21世纪新闻学教育峰会上的即兴演讲,其观点令人耳目一新。

    This article is based on the adlib by ZHANG Yan-ping at a 21st century international summit on journalistic education .

  19. 伟大的演讲家看似是即兴演讲,但他们私下通常会练习演讲的主要部分。

    Great speakers who look as if they are speaking impromptu usually have practiced the main parts of their talk .

  20. 课堂上要求学生做数个演讲,包含:即兴演讲以及一个约15-20分钟的演讲。

    Students will give various types of presentations , including impromptu presentations and a longer ( 15-20 minute ) presentation .

  21. 所有的孩子今天都要面对一个非常艰巨的任务,即兴演讲,孩子们的表现出乎我的预料。

    All of the students stepped up to a very hard task today , impromptu speaking , and they performed exceptionally .

  22. 国际演讲比赛、即兴演讲比赛、中文演讲比赛,各位进入全国赛的参赛者将在这舞台上闪耀他们的光芒。

    Let the National contest contestants shine out loud for International Speech Contest , Table Topic Speech Contest and Mandarin Speech Contest .

  23. 当要求你做即兴演讲时,你的听众已经知道背景并且不期望你的话太长。

    When you are asked to deliver an off-the-cuff speech , your audience knows the circumstances and will not expect or even want a lengthy discourse .

  24. 1997年3月为使比赛更具挑战性,第二届比赛程序中加入即兴演讲部分。

    Mar , 1997 To make the competition more challenging , the organizing committee adds a new section - the impromptu speech to the overall format .

  25. 如果你是想求得一份销售类工作,或是需要即兴演讲或需要敏捷反应的工作,类似于这样的问题不是不能预测的。

    ' If you 're going for a sales job or one that requires improvisation or quick thinking , the question is not totally unexpected . '

  26. 英语即兴演讲作为英语水平,尤其是英语口语水平的一种考查方式得到广大英语学习者的认同。

    The value of English impromptu speeches as a criterion of English level , especially the level of spoken English , has been acknowledged by most English learners .

  27. 今晚,我们将会有精彩的“中文即兴演讲比赛”环节,今晚,你将有机会即说英文又讲中文

    Tonight , we will have a special session of " Chinese impromptu speech contest . " Tonight you will have the chance to speak both English and Chinese

  28. 但当这个世界上最大的社交网络确实与记者交谈时,简报总是最佳的当创始人兼首席执行官马克•扎克伯格即兴演讲时。

    But when the world 's biggest social network does talk to journalists , the briefings are always best when founder and chief executive Mark Zuckerberg goes off script .

  29. 学生进行英语演讲的难点在于即兴演讲。而即兴演讲是一种最能反映人的思维敏捷程度和语言组织能力的口头表达方式。

    Impromptu speech is a best way to reflect students thinking swiftness and their linguistic competence . A speakers linguistic and thinking proficiency is of importance to his successful speech .

  30. 在主位推进模式的使用情况上,中国大学生的即兴演讲与本族语者的电视对话存在很大差异。

    There is a great difference between patterns of thematic progression in Chinese EFL learners ' impromptu speeches and that in English native speakers ' TV talks and public speeches .