
  • 网络socialite
  1. 在法国街区的中心有一座装饰华丽的宅邸,它在十九世纪属于内科医生路易斯·拉劳里和他的社交名流妻子戴尔芬。

    In the heart of the French Quarter lies an ornate mansion that in the1800s belonged to physician Louis LaLaurie and his socialite wife Delphine .

  2. 最恐怖之地:拉劳里宅邸在法国街区的中心有一座装饰华丽的宅邸,它在十九世纪属于内科医生路易斯·拉劳里和他的社交名流妻子戴尔芬。

    Most Haunted Place : LaLaurie House In the heart of the French Quarter lies an ornate mansion that in the 1800s belonged to physician Louis LaLaurie and his socialite wife Delphine .

  3. 他在比佛利山的第一家餐厅chadwick就挤满了社交名流。

    His first restaurant , Chadwick in Beverly Hills , was packed with celebrity guests .

  4. 她只是个孤独的社交名流又不是杀人犯

    She 's a lonely socialite . She 's not an ax murderer .

  5. 老练的社交名流;老于世故的观众;世故的生活方式;意义深奥的书。

    Sophisticated young socialites ; a sophisticated audience ; a sophisticated lifestyle ; a sophisticated book .

  6. 贝蒂的人生抱负就是成为一位名模。那样,她就可以加入社交名流的行列,而且在高级场所就餐。

    Betty 's main ambition in life is to be a famous model so she can join caf é society and dine out in fancy places .

  7. 在她丈夫过世不到六年时,她不费吹灰之力地成为纽约最受欢迎的慈善家和社交名流。

    When he died less than six years later , she moved on unshackled to become one of New York 's most beloved philanthropists and socialites .

  8. 参加这次盛会的贵宾除了上海的社交名流之外,还包括了远程从世界各地赶来的贵宾们。

    Attended by the glitterati of Shanghai 's social set , the Opera Night also enjoys a regular following of guests flying in from around the world .

  9. 这名美国社交名流,同时也是美剧《都市》的前影星向英国时尚界进发。“对于英国时尚界来说,这绝对是让人印象深刻的一刻,它正影响着世界,尤其是英国音乐。”

    The American socialite and former star of The City gushed about British fashion . ' This is absolutely the most impressive time for British fashion , it 's really influencing the world , especially British music .

  10. 美国社交名流金·卡戴珊已经从中受益。为电视名厨杰米·奥利弗也说,2009年妻子生下第二个女儿后,自己想出了一个胎盘配方。

    With celebrities such as Kim Kardashian embracing the benefits and TV chefs such as Jamie Oliver also a fan - he admitted to coming up with a placenta recipe after his wife gave birth to their second daughter in 2009 .

  11. 试图吸引社交场合的名流作为客人的人。

    Someone who tries to attract social lions as guests .