
  • 网络JOHN DEERE;john deer;Deere & Company;JOHNDEER
  1. 但这则广告还有一个目的:刺激其最大的西方竞争对手、美国农业机械制造商约翰迪尔(JohnDeere)。

    But the ad was also designed to goad John Deere , its biggest western competitor .

  2. 美国塞思纳液压动力公司(CessnaFluidPowerDivision)将一台约翰迪尔(JohnDeere)生产的500C型反铲装载机作了改装,使其包括一个压力流量补偿载荷传感系统。

    A John Deere 500C Backhoe Loader was modified by Cessna Fluid Power Division to encompass a Pressure-Flow Compensated Load Sensing System .

  3. 他说,我来自纽约长岛,你瞧,我不是乡下小子,所以能够驾驶约翰迪尔(JohnDeere)拖拉机感觉很酷。

    Im from Long Island , you know , Im not a country boy , so it was cool to be able to hop on a John Deere , he said .

  4. 早在1895年,《财富》美国500强之一的约翰迪尔公司(JohnDeere)就推出了《TheFurrow》杂志教育农民学习新技术——如今,这本杂志已经是这个领域发行量最大的杂志。知名博主乔?

    In 1895 John Deere ( DE , Fortune 500 ) launched The Furrow to educate farmers about new technology -- and more than a century later , it 's the largest-circulation magazine in its category .

  5. 建筑设备制造商卡特彼勒(caterpillar)与农用机械制造商约翰迪尔(johndeere)成功地施展了一招妙计:它们成功地说服人们去购买那些别的公司送都送不出去的东西。

    Caterpillar , the construction equipment maker , and John Deere , the agricultural machinery maker , have pulled off a merchandising coup : they have persuaded people to pay for the kind of goods other companies struggle to give away .

  6. 而家得宝,斯普林特·奈特斯尔及约翰迪尔也已经宣布更多的裁员。

    More job cuts have also been announced by Home Depot , Sprint Nextel and John Deere .

  7. 但约翰迪尔也忧心忡忡,试图向这个后起之秀学习:2010年,约翰迪尔在印度推出了一款低价拖拉机。

    But John Deere was also sufficiently worried to try to learn from the upstart : in 2010 , it launched a low-budget tractor in India .

  8. 我只是说我们使用卫星技术,我们有大数据,数据和分析,约翰迪尔的拖拉机是自动转向的。

    And listen , I just say we use satellite technology , we have big data , data and analytics , John Deere 's tractors are auto-steer .