
  • 网络social ladder
  1. 日本的教育受人称道,因为它有助于年轻人攀登社会阶梯。

    Japanese education is praised for helping the young climb the social ladder .

  2. 由于失业或通胀,许多人可能会从社会阶梯上跌落下来。

    Many may lose their foothold on the social ladder as a result of unemployment or inflation .

  3. 他沿著社会阶梯稳步高升。

    He went steadily up the social scale .

  4. 在社会阶梯上爬得越高,他就越贪婪。

    The higher he climbs the ladder of the society , the more greedy he is .

  5. 海外工作会变成恶性循环,而非爬上社会阶梯的通道,她说。

    Working abroad can become a vicious cycle rather than a route up the social ladder , she says .

  6. 虽然在人生旅途中会有很多路标将你们指向赚更多钱以及攀爬社会阶梯

    That while there will be plenty of signposts along your path directing you to make money and climb up the ladder

  7. 对于那些来自贫困或者农村家庭的孩子们来说,在这场考试中好好表现,毫无置疑是他们爬上社会阶梯并成功的唯一的方法。

    For many students from poor or rural backgrounds , a strong performance on the test is the only way to climb the social ladder and excel without connections .

  8. 他把自己口中99%的韩国人比作“美国的黑人和西语裔,根本都不尝试进入政界,也不沿着社会阶梯往上爬。”

    He compared South Korea 's so-called 99 percent to " blacks and Hispanics in the United States who don 't even try to enter politics or climb the social ladder . "

  9. 那些通过和老板豪饮爬上社会阶梯高出的年轻人可能会把白酒看做职业精神、财富——最重要的是——热情的标志。

    Young people who have climbed the social ladder by drinking heavily with their bosses are likely to consider baijiu a mark of professionalism , fortune , and - importantly - reqing .

  10. 土地流转已经或正在成为农民实现流动的特殊社会阶梯,其重构的农村社会阶层结构亦开始呈现日渐定型化等新的特点和趋势。

    The land pass has already become or is becoming the special social ladders that farmers realized mobility , its reconstructing social class structure of countryside also started to present stereotypia day after day and so on the new characteristic and tendency .

  11. 但是他发现自己并不能靠体力爬上社会的阶梯。

    Despite all this , however , he found he could not climb up the social ladder by physical strength .

  12. 该报告挑战了一种想法,即处于社会经济阶梯底端的人感觉最痛苦和焦虑。

    The report challenged the idea that it is those who are at the bottom of the socio-economic ladder that feel the most miserable and anxious .

  13. 论坛之家在意大利住宅中占15%,是壁炉之家在社会经济阶梯中向上爬升了几格、并开始关心娱乐项目之后的住所。

    The forum , accounting for 15 per cent of Italian residences , is what the hearth becomes if a family climbs a few socioeconomic rungs and cares about entertaining .

  14. 教育公正:实现社会公正的阶梯

    Education justice : stairs of realizing society justice

  15. 在世界上经研究的社区中,几乎有一半的人口正在社会经济的阶梯上向上或向下移动,往往是同样的人在不同的时间内上行而后又下跌。

    In the studied communities in the world , close to half the population is moving up or down the socioeconomic ladder , often with the same people rising and then falling at different times .

  16. 法治公正是实现社会公正的有效阶梯

    Rule-of-law justice : the effective ladder to achieve social justice

  17. 坚持依法治国、促进法治公正是实现社会公正的有效阶梯,而法治公正又包括立法公正和司法公正两方面内容,二者缺一不可。

    The improvement of legal system and insurance of legislative justice is the basic systematic protection for maintaining social fairness and justice and realizing socialist harmonious society .

  18. 当然,美国的社会制度也使得美国人能够相对容易地顺着社会阶梯往上爬,而这在许多其它国家却是不可能的。

    The American social system has , of course , made it possible for Americans to move , relatively easily , up the social ladder , whereas this is impossible to do in many other countries .

  19. 为了在社会上找准自己的位子,这位雄心勃勃的年轻人煞费苦心在社会阶梯上往上爬。

    In order to find a niche in society , the ambitious young man goes to great lengths to climb the social ladder .