
  1. 社会保障关系改革、发展和稳定,我国社会主义市场经济建设,急需要社会保障法律体系。

    The social welfare institutive system is needed urgently in the socialist market economy construction .

  2. 社会保障关系。

    The social distribution relation .

  3. 城乡统筹社会保障关系到公民的切身利益,社会的公平正义和社会和谐。

    Social security between urban and rural relations to citizens ' vital interests , social justice and social harmony .

  4. 本文通过对经济法调整对象的分析论证,进而确定了经济法的调整范围,具体包括市场管理关系、宏观调控关系和社会保障关系。

    Through the analysis and the demonstration to the object about economic law adjustment , this paper then determine the adjustment scope of economic law .

  5. 社会保障关系着亿万国民的切身利益,是国家公平正义、长治久安所必不可少的。

    Social security is of vital importance to the interest of the people of the nation , it is essential to justice and lasting political stability of the nation .

  6. 论社会保障法律关系的复杂性

    On the Complexity of the Legal Relations of Social Security

  7. 新疆少数民族传统养老文化与新疆农村社会养老保障关系研究

    On Relation Between Old-aged Pension Culture of Minorities and Rural Social Pension Security System in Xinjiang

  8. 在第一部分的论述中,首先阐述了国有企业改革与社会保障的关系。

    Part One will explain the relation between the reform of state-on enterprises and social security .

  9. 福建省农村社会保障供求关系研究&福建省社会保障供求关系研究之一

    On the Supply-Demand Relationship of Rural Social Security of Fujian Province & First Paper of Series on the Supply-Demand Relationship of Social Security of Fujian Province

  10. 社会保障制度关系到公民切身利益,是维护公平正义、促进社会和谐的基本制度。

    The social security system relates to the vital interests of citizens , is to maintain fairness and justice , the promotion of the basic system of social harmony .

  11. 社会保障直接关系着我国市场经济体制的健康发展和社会的稳定,是当前我国一项重要、紧迫的任务。

    The social security system directly impacts our country economic system 's healthy development and society 's stability , it is one of the vital , urgent task for china .

  12. 主要阐述行政给付的涵义、特征、内容、形式以及与福利国家、社会保障的关系等。

    In this part the author has summarized the meaning , character , form , content of administrative supply and analyzing the relationship between welfare state and administrative , and the relationship between social security and administrative supply .

  13. 为使就业与社会保障相关关系更加清晰,创造性地提出了普及型社会保障和就业型社会保障的新概念,对两者的特征、资金来源和支出及两者与就业的关系进行了对比分析。

    In order to make their relationship more clear , the author comes up with two original concepts , that is general-typed social security and employment-dominant social security , and separately defines and analyzes their characteristics , financial sources and expenditure and makes a comparison between them and employment .

  14. 新角度看劳动法和社会保障法的关系

    On The Relationship of Labor Law and Security Law from a New Angle

  15. 试论财政资金与不同项目社会保障基金的关系

    On the Relationship between Finance Fund and Social Security Fund under Various Projects

  16. 社会保障制度是关系国计民生的重要制度。

    The social security matters the whole nation and the life of the people .

  17. 研究基本社会保障资金所有权关系主要是从理论上搞清其所有权主体。

    Studying basic social security fund ownership relations is to get their ownership subject theoretically mainly .

  18. 本论文主要在实证分析的基础上研究和探讨就业和社会保障的互动关系。

    This paper focuses on the interaction of employment and social security by means of empirical analysis .

  19. 建立和健全社会保障体系,关系到改革、发展、稳定的全局

    " The establishment and development of a social security system has an overall impact on reform , development and stability . "

  20. 该部分界定了保障性住房的概念、特征、范围,分析了保障性住房与住房保障及社会保障之间的关系。

    It defines the concept , characteristics and scope of public housing , and analysis of the relationship between public housing and housing security or the social security .

  21. 为了顺利实现高校教师养老保险制度的转轨过渡,改革应该与高校教师人事制度改革、薪酬制度改革等协调进行,还要恰当处理与其他社会保障项目的关系。

    The reform of endowment insurance system of teachers ' colleges and universities school should coordination with personnel system reform , salary system reform , it also need to handling endowment insurance with other social security project .

  22. 在我国,社会保障制度直接关系到党坚持全心全意为人民服务的宗旨,关系到维护人民群众的切身利益,关系到保证改革开放和经济建设稳定发展的大局。

    In china , the social security system is directly linked to uphold the people whole-heartedly , to preserve the vital interests of the people , to ensure that the reform and opening-up and economic stability and development of the overall situation .

  23. 当前,农村社会保障问题将直接关系到农村改革的进一步深化与农村经济的健康、可持续发展,甚至于整个国民经济的协调发展和社会的长治久安。

    On present , the rural social security issues concern the deepening reform of the rural and sustainable development of the rural economy , even the coordination of the national economy and long-term stability of social development .

  24. 社会保障法是调整社会保障关系的法律规范的总称。

    Social security law is the total legal rules that modify the relations of social security .

  25. 并重点从资金、人员的角度对就业型社会保障中就业和社会保障关系进行具体分析和实证研究。

    Much attention is paid to the detailed and empirical study of the employment and social security relationship in the employment-dominant social security from the angle of fund and human resources .

  26. 从社会保障学视角看,内容复杂的社会保障关系决定了以此为调整对象的社会保障立法是一项大工程;

    From the angle of economics , complicated content of social security relationship determines that based on adjusting it , the social security legislation should be a giant project ;

  27. 本文采取了比较法、分析法,运用辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的方法,把社会保障思想的来源理论作为研究社会保障与和谐社会关系的关键之处,进而提出共建和谐社会的思想。

    Taken a comparative law analysis , the use of the method of dialectical materialism and historical materialism , the source of ideas theory of social security as a key to social security and harmonious social relations , and then proposed the idea of building a harmonious society .

  28. 资产社会政策既关系到个人的生活状况和社会保障,又关系到社会的稳定与发展。

    Asset socio-policy is related both to the living status and the social insurance of the individual and to the social stability and development .

  29. 将产权方法应用于社会保障研究,是基于社会保障财产权利在社会保障经济关系中居于重要的地位。

    The way which applies property method to the study of social security is based on that property rights in the social security occupy an important position in economic relations .

  30. 它是社会保障的重要要素,反映着社会保障运行状况和社会保障资金的供求关系。

    It is the key element of the social security system , and also reflects the running processes of the system and the demands or the supplies of the funds of social security .