
  • 网络Social Development Research;Social Development Studies
  1. 东南亚区域经济与社会发展研究论纲

    An Outline of Regional Economy of Southeast Asia and Social Development

  2. 联合国社会发展研究所所长

    Director of the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development

  3. 秦汉时期吴地社会发展研究

    A Study on the Social Development of Wu Area in the Qin and Han Dynasties

  4. 经济技术社会发展研究中心

    Center for Economic Technology & Social Development

  5. 三峡大学三峡文化与经济社会发展研究中心

    Research Center of Three Gorges Culture and Economical & Social Development China Three Gorges University

  6. 基于社会主义新农村建设的统筹城乡经济社会发展研究

    Overall Planning the Urban and Rural Economy Social Development Based on New Socialist Countryside Construction

  7. 中国人民大学新闻与社会发展研究中心主任。

    Research Fellow , Journalism and social development research center , Renmin University of China .

  8. 从实际生活出发去理解实际生活&在上海大学上海社会发展研究中心揭牌仪式上的讲话

    Understand Real Life from the Real Life Itself The Lecture at the Establishing Ceremony of Center for Shanghai Development Research , Shanghai University

  9. 随着我们对经济社会发展研究的不断深入,用单一指标来反映某一问题已经不能满足研究的需要,综合指标的运用越来越普遍。

    As we are going deep into the research of the development of economy and society . It is unappeasable to reflect a problem with single index .

  10. 陈力丹:中国人民大学新闻学院教授、博士生导师;人民大学新闻与社会发展研究中心研究员。

    Chen Lidan , professor , School of Journalism , Renmin University of China ; Research Fellow , Journalism and social development research center , Renmin University of China .

  11. 国家发展和改革委员会社会发展研究所所长杨宜勇表示,近20年来就业形势良好是经济快速增长的结果。

    Yang Yiyong , director of the Society Development Institute , part of the National Development and Reform Commission , said the positive employment picture over nearly two decades is the result of rapid economic growth .

  12. 城市化问题是当前我国经济和社会发展研究的一个热点,它对于协调城乡关系,提高国民经济整体素质,具有重大而又深远的意义。

    The problem of urbanization is the focus of studying in the present economy and social development . It has great and far-reaching meanings for coordinating the relation in urban and rural areas and improving the whole quality of national economy .

  13. 生态学被引入分析经济社会发展研究虽然时间不长,但由于其简洁明了的分析效果,因此一经引入便被广泛使用。

    Although ecology has been used to analyze the economic and social developments for only a very short period of time , the succinct and clear analytical results have been achieved and there appears to be a wide field of its application .

  14. 为此,笔者根据多年从事自治区经济社会发展研究的实践经验,结合新疆当前发展循环经济的优势领域,提出了新疆应予优先发展的几个项目。

    So according to engaging in practice experiments of economic society development research of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region , the writer combines with Xinjiang 's present superiority field of developing circulating economy and raises giving priority to development of several project in Xinjiang .

  15. 国务院发展研究中心社会发展研究部副部长贡森指出,老龄化加剧,应对我国养老金缺口的办法,就是不断提高退休年龄。

    Gong Sen , deputy head of the Social Development Research Department with the State Council Development Research Center , pointed out that the way to cope with China 's growing aging population and pension gap is to constantly raise the retirement age .

  16. 专家组来自美国儿科学会、美国老年医学会、美国精神医学学会、人类社会发展研究这些组织的6名睡眠专家和另外12位医学专家,拟定了一份正式的文献综述。

    To do so , a panel of six sleep experts and 12 other medical experts from organizations including the American Academy of Pediatrics , the American Geriatrics Society , the American Psychiatric Association and the Society for Research in Human Development , conducted a formal literature review .

  17. 真正有知识的人并不一定见闻广博,见闻广博的人不一定就有真知识。陈力丹:中国人民大学新闻学院教授、博士生导师;人民大学新闻与社会发展研究中心研究员。

    The real knowledgeable not always know erudite information and the person of knowing erudite not always have knowledge . Chen Lidan , professor , School of Journalism , Renmin University of China ; Research Fellow , Journalism and social development research center , Renmin University of China .

  18. 由于空间维度的偏废与缺失,社会发展研究日益陷入以时间为中轴的线性历史观,这种教条主义历史观不仅造成了我国社会历史定位的错位,还导致了发展机遇的错失和发展进程的延误。

    Because of the abrogation and lack of space-dimension , the study of social development has fallen into time-oriented linear conception of history , which not only caused China 's social dislocation , but also resulted in the loss of good chance and the delaying of social development .

  19. 结合可持续发展和自然科学特别是地质学中关于脆弱性研究的已有成果,将脆弱性概念迁移到社会发展研究领域,给出社会发展脆弱性的定义,测度方法和研究社会发展脆弱性的5结构模型。

    Unifies the sustainable development and the natural sciences is specially in the geology had the achievement about the vulnerable research , migrates the vulnerable concept to the social development research area , gives the social development vulnerable definition , estimate method and research social development vulnerable 5 structural model .

  20. 目前,对聋人的文化身份认同(DeafIdentity)的研究成为国外聋人社会性发展研究的热点。

    Currently , research on deaf identity has become one of the focused works in the psychosocial development of deaf people in western countries .

  21. 独龙族社会经济发展研究

    A Study on Development of Economic & Society about Dulong Nationality

  22. 澳门经济社会协调发展研究

    Study on the harmonious development between economy and society of Macao

  23. 我国农村经济社会协调发展研究

    The Study on Rural Economic - socio Coordination Development of China

  24. 历史时期青海地区自然灾害与区域社会经济发展研究

    Research on the Natural Disasters and Social-Economic Development in Qinghai Region

  25. 西北地区微型社会可持续发展研究

    On the Study of Sustainable Development of Micro society in Northwest China

  26. 马克思恩格斯派生性社会发展观研究

    A Study on Marx-Engels ' View of Derivative Social Development

  27. 中国南方石灰岩地区经济社会可持续发展研究

    Socio - economic Sustainable Development in the Karst Region of South China

  28. 九十年代社会发展理论研究述评

    Review on Researches on the Theory of Social Development in the 90s

  29. 系统进化和社会发展动力研究

    Evolution of the system and motive powers of social development

  30. 区域经济社会发展战略研究

    Research of Develop Strategy on Regional Economy and Society