
  • 网络sodium channel;ion channel;ENaC;VGSC;Voltage-gated ion channel
  1. 某些海生毒素(TTX、STX)对钠离子通道的作用研究

    Studies on Some Marine Toxins ( TTX , STX ) Binding to Sodium Channel

  2. 白细胞介素1β对大鼠海马神经元电压门控钠离子通道的影响

    Effects of Interleukin-1 β on Voltage Gated Sodium Channel of Acutely Isolated Rat Hippocampal Neurons

  3. 神经病理性疼痛大鼠背根神经节钠离子通道β亚基mRNA表达的变化

    Changes in expression of sodium channel β subunit mRNA in dorsal root ganglion in a rat model of neuropathic pain

  4. CGRP可影响钠离子通道的激活和失活过程。

    CGRP could affect the process of the activation and inactivation of Na ~ + channel .

  5. 结论DRG中钠离子通道β3亚基mRNA表达上调在神经病理性疼痛中起重要作用。

    Conclusion The up-regulation of sodium channel β _3 subunit mRNA expression in DRG may play an important role in neuropathic pain .

  6. 根据克隆的野桑蚕钠离子通道蛋白基因序列和家蚕基因组序列,设计引物,采用PCR方法,克隆到3段野桑蚕基因组序列。

    According to the sequences of the cloned sodium channel protein genes in Bombyx mandarina and Bombyx mori genome , three Bombyx mandarina genome sequences were cloned by PCR .

  7. 拟除虫菊酯的作用靶标是神经轴突上的钠离子通道蛋白(sodiumchannelprotein),而细胞色素P450第九家族的多个基因与昆虫对拟除虫菊酯抗性有关。

    Action drone of pyrethroid is sodium channel protein located in nerve axone , while several genes of the ninth cytochrome P450 family are related to resistance to pyrethroid in insects .

  8. 昆虫的钠离子通道基因是DTT,除虫菊酯和拟除虫菊酯类农药的靶标基因。

    Insect sodium channels are targets for DTT , pyrethrins and pyrethroids .

  9. 菊酯类杀虫剂抗性棉铃虫para型钠离子通道基因的部分序列测定与突变

    Novel mutation in the para-homologous sodium channel gene associated with nerve insensitivity resistance to pyrethroid in Helicoverpa armigera

  10. 目的:内脏高敏感性是肠易激综合征(IBS)的重要病理生理学机制之一,本文研究电压门控钠离子通道与内脏高敏感性之间的关系以进一步了解IBS的发病机制。

    Objective To determine whether the voltage-gated sodium channels ( VGSC ) are involved in the visceral hypersensitivity of irritable bowel syndrome ( IBS ) .

  11. 上皮细胞钠离子通道ENaC及其基因研究现状

    Present Condition of the Studies of the Epithelial Na ~ + Channel ( ENaC ) and its Genes

  12. 目的:研究中国汉族人群心脏钠离子通道α亚单位(voltage-gatedsodiumchanneltypeV,SCN5A)基因的遗传多态性及其与特发性室性心律失常(idiopathicventriculararrhythmia,IVA)的关系。

    Objective To investigate the relationship between the genetic polymorphisms of the human cardiac sodium channel α subunit gene ( voltage-gated sodium channel type V , SCN5A ) and the occurrence of idiopathic ventricular arrhythmia ( IVA ) .

  13. TTX是典型的钠离子通道抑制剂,中毒者出现肢体麻木、瘫痪等症状,严重的可导致死亡。

    TTX is a typical sodium ion channel inhibitor , can led to limb numbness , paralysis and other symptoms , even seriously to death .

  14. 麻痹性贝类毒素(ParalyticShellfishPoisoning,PSP)是一类阻断神经细胞钠离子通道,对人体神经系统产生麻痹作用的海洋生物毒素。

    PSP ( Paralytic shellfish poisoning ) toxins , distributing widely in marine environment , are potent neurotoxins which can block voltage-gated sodium channels on excitable cells and finally result in signs of paralysis .

  15. 心脏钠离子通道基因SCN5A的突变也可导致心脏传导疾病和常染色体隐性病态窦房结综合征(SSS)。

    Mutations in the cardiac sodium channel gene SCN5A also cause cardiac conduction disease and autosomal recessive sick sinus syndrome ( SSS ) .

  16. 目的分析白纹伊蚊和致倦库蚊钠离子通道基因kdr突变位点附近的核苷酸序列,为进行抗药性监测奠定基础。

    Objective To analyze the DNA sequences of the two mosquitoes sodium channel genes adjacent to the kdr mutation point so to lay the foundation for the determination of the pyrethroid resistance of the mosquitoes using PCR method .

  17. 该结果表明了烟粉虱钠离子通道L925I突变与对拟除虫菊酯抗性密切相关。

    Our results indicated that L925I mutation was tightly associated with pyrethroid resistance in the tobacco whitefly from Nanjing .

  18. 对河豚毒素不敏感的电压依赖性钠离子通道(TTXr)选择性地分布于与伤害性感受有关的初级感受神经元。

    The voltage-dependent tetrodotoxin-resistant ( TTXr ) sodium channels are selectively expressed in a specific subpopulation of nociceptive primary afferent neurons .

  19. 拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂的作用靶标主要是神经膜上的钠离子通道和维持膜内外离子浓度稳定的Na-K-ATPase、Ca-ATPase和Ca-Mg-ATPase等。

    Target sites of pyrethroid insecticides are sodium channel on the neurilemma and Na-K-ATPase 、 Ca-ATPase and Ca-Mg-ATPase which can maintain the stability of ions inside and outside neurilemma .

  20. 对东亚钳蝎抗神经兴奋肽(ANEP)同源性分析表明:ANEP与蝎昆虫抑制性神经毒素高度同源,ANEP应属于这一家庭,它们都作用于钠离子通道,是钠离子通道抑制剂。

    Multiple alignments show ANEP is homologic with depressant insect neurotoxin , and it belongs to this family , they all affect Na ~ + channel .

  21. 结果与培养日龄为6d海马神经元相比,培养日龄为16d海马神经元电压依赖性钠离子通道电流最大幅值无显著差异;

    Results Compared with the hippocampal neuron whose cultured day was 6 d , there were no statistical differences of the amplitude of voltage dependent sodium currents of hippocampal neuron whose cultured day was 16 d.

  22. 用全细胞膜片钳技术研究了生物碱类植物杀虫剂苦参碱对棉铃虫Helicoverpaarmigera幼虫离体培养中枢神经细胞钠离子通道门控过程的影响。

    The effects of botanical alkaloids pesticide matrine on inward sodium channel gating properties of the central neurons isolated from the thoracic and abdominal ganglia of the cotton bollworm , Helicoverpa armigera ( H ü bner ) were studied using whole-cell patch clamp technique .

  23. 目前卡马西平作为治疗TN的首选药物,其作用机理不完全清楚,但是可以肯定的是:它是钠离子通道的阻滞剂,可以阻断动作电位的发生和传播。

    At present , carbamazepine is thought to be the first line of treatment as the drug therapy , which mechanism is not completely known , but it is sure that it is a blocker of sodium channels and could prevent the generation and propagation of action potentials .

  24. 以肌肉中的Hodgkin-Huxley模型为研究对象,选取漏电导数gl和钠离子通道反电势VNa作为分岔参数,分析其Hopf分岔并探讨分岔对HH模型的影响。

    The Hodgkin-Huxley model is taken for muscles as study object , on which the leakage conductance and the sodium ions anti-electromotive force was selected as the parameters to perform the two-parameters Hopf-bifurcation analysis . The influence of bifurcation on the H-H model was also discussed .

  25. 本文以HHM模型为研究对象,选取漏电导和钠离子通道反电动势作为分岔参数,采用高维方程的代数判据进行多参数分岔分析。

    In this dissertation , the algebra criterion in high-dimensional equations is employed to perform the bifurcation analysis of HHM model in which the leakage conductance and the anti-electromotive of sodium ion channel are chosen to be the bifurcation parameters .

  26. 钠离子通道具有神经兴奋传导和中枢神经系统的调控功能。

    Sodium ion channels with nerve conduction and central nervous system regulation function .

  27. 神经轴突的钠离子通道模型

    A model of the sodium channels in nerve axons

  28. 电压门控性钾、钙、钠离子通道的结构及分类

    Structure and classification of voltage - gated potassium , calcium and sodium channels

  29. 癫痫与电压依赖性钠离子通道的分子遗传学进展

    Molecular Genetics Progression of Epilepsy and Voltage-gated Sodium Channels

  30. 电压依赖性钠离子通道参与植物抗盐过程

    Planta voltage-gated sodium channel involving in plant salt tolerance