
  • 网络bead wire;wire loop;Traveler
  1. 全钢载重子午线轮胎钢丝圈受力分析

    Analysis for stress-strain in bead wire of BTR tire

  2. 子午线轮胎带束层、胎体及钢丝圈应力计算

    Calculation of stresses in belt , carcass ply and bead wire of radial tire

  3. SS膜钢领钢丝圈的应用与探讨

    An Approach into the Application of Travelers and Rings with SS Films

  4. BC型钢领与钢丝圈的使用实践

    Using Practice of BC Ring and Ring Traveler

  5. 详细介绍了一种用于轮胎钢丝圈内周长测量的一套系统,本文主要介绍了基于PLC的钢丝圈内周测长仪的机械结构、测量原理及电控单元的硬件和软件设计。

    Details of a steel wire for tire circumference measurement of a circle system , this paper introduces the PLC-based wire circle week length gauge mechanical structure , measuring principle and ECU hardware and software design .

  6. 试验结果表明,BC型钢领与钢丝圈能有效改善纺纱张力特性,减少纺纱过程中纱条的突变张力值高于其强力弱环的几率,减少细纱断头数量,并降低纺专器材的消耗量。

    The test shows that BC ring and ring traveler can improve the spinning tension property efficiently , reduce the probability of sudden tension higher than the lowest strength , reduce yarn broken ends and the consumption of spinning apparatus .

  7. 本文包含以下四部分内容:1、介绍棉纺锥面钢领的两种主要形式&ZM-6型和SH型,钢领和钢丝圈的几何配合及工艺效果。

    The subject is dealt with in the following four parts : 1 . An introduction is made of the two essential types of conical ring for cotton ring spinning , ZM-6 ring and SH ring , the geometrical adaptation of the traveller to the ring and their technological effects .

  8. 围绕GS7号钢丝圈抛光过程中结球率过高这一现象,从钢丝圈几何形状和扁丝规格入手,分析了传统抛光工艺存在的弊端。

    Regarding the over piling problem in process of polishing travelers , an analysis begins with the geometry size of travelers and specification of the flat wires .

  9. 钢领-钢丝圈摩擦力测试及表面处理技术

    Technology of Friction Testing and Surface Treatment of Rings plus Travellers

  10. 锥面钢领钢丝圈的高速摄影研究

    Study on cone ring and traveller by high speed photography metod

  11. 环锭细纱机钢领、钢丝圈问题的讨论

    Approach into Problems of Rings and Ring Travelers on Ring-spinning Machine

  12. 六角形钢丝圈成型机部件&凸轮曲线的设计

    Design of Curve of Cam for Displacement in Hexagonal Bead winding

  13. 平面钢领钢丝圈摩擦特性的探讨

    A Study of Friction Features between Flange Rings and Travellers

  14. 锥面钢领钢丝圈动摩擦系数的计算

    The Calculation of Kinetic Friction Coefficient of Conical Spinning Ring and Traveller

  15. 钢领钢丝圈磨损试验机及试验方法研究

    A Study on Ring-Traveller Wear Machine and Its Test Methods

  16. 钢领与钢丝圈走熟问题的研究

    Silk Denim intermediate filaments A Study of Ring and Traveller 's Running-in

  17. 钢领与钢丝圈之间的摩擦及磨损性质

    Characteristics of Contact and Wear between Spinning Ring and Traveller

  18. 设计改造钢丝圈成型机所必需熟悉的轮胎工艺流程在第三章可以了解到。

    We can learn technological process of tire from the third chapter .

  19. 钢丝圈在钢领子午面外倾角的计算

    Calculation of Travellers Outer Obliquity on the Meridian Surface of the Rings

  20. 化学镀镍磷合金在纺纱钢丝圈上的应用研究

    Application of Electroless Plating Ni-P Coating in Textile Ring Traveller

  21. 关于钢丝圈产销量的预测探讨

    On Prediction of Output and Sale Amount of Ring Travellers

  22. 钢领损坏,钢丝圈重或轻。

    Damaged or worn rings , heavy or light travellers .

  23. 钢丝圈与钢丝圈之间的距离太小。

    Too close a setting between traveller clearer and traveller .

  24. 钢丝圈用扁丝球化退火工艺的探讨

    Approach to the Spheroidize Annealing of Flat Wires for Ring Travellers ' Making

  25. 钢领钢丝圈的配套使用和管理

    Complement Usage and Management of Ring and Ring Traveler

  26. 力车轮胎钢丝圈包布把钢板冲压成汽车车身

    Cycle tyre bead ring flipper press car bodies out of sheets of steel

  27. 力车轮胎钢丝圈包布那列快车飞速掠过车站。

    Cycle tyre bead ring flipper The express train whizzed past the station .

  28. 钢丝圈电化学抛光工艺及机理

    The Technology and Mechanism of Travellers ' Electro-chemical Polish

  29. 纺纱钢丝圈的早期磨损失效分析

    Failure Analysis on Early Wear Mechanism of Steel Ring-Travellers

  30. 锥面钢领与钢丝圈受力及磨损变形分析

    An Analysis of Acted Forces and Wear Deformations of Conical Ring and Traveller