
  • 网络Ingot mould;ingot mold
  1. 大型钢锭模的优化设计与开发

    The Optimizing Design and Development of the Heavy Duty Ingot Mold

  2. 在钢锭模底部的中心位置处产生的最大拉应力值为20.61kgf/mm~2。

    The cross crack always appears in the centre of the ingot mold , where the maximum tensile stress is 8.58kgf / mm ~ 2 and the maximum compression stress is 18.72kgf / mm ~ 2 , and generally emerges during its later service .

  3. 模厚比K值对钢锭模热应力分布的影响

    Effect of Thick Ratio K on Thermal Stress Distribution of Ingot Mould

  4. 同时,利用华铸CAE软件对钢锭模的充型及凝固过程进行模拟计算,优化钢锭模的铸造生产工艺。

    Meanwhile , the simulation of mold filling and solidification is conducted to meliorate the manufacture technique of ingot mould based on the software of HZ-CAE .

  5. 200mm钢锭模的有限元强度分析

    The Finite Element Strength Analysis for 200 mm Steel Ingot Model

  6. 采用50kg/m钢轨的钢锭模小保温帽改为大保温帽,基本消除了这种缺陷。

    This kind of flaw has been basically eliminated after small thermal insulating sinkheads were replaced by big ones .

  7. 4.5t蠕墨铸铁钢锭模在使用过程中热应力的测定

    Thermal stress measurement of 4.5t ingot mold of vermicular graphite cast iron in service

  8. 应用该程序计算了包钢B114钢锭模内冷却的温度分布和凝固率随时间的变化规律。

    Using the program , the relation between ingot temperature , solidfying rate and solidfying time of B114 ingot are obtained .

  9. 钢锭模内吹氩提高镇静钢质量的原理

    Principle of improving killed steel quality by blowing Ar into molds

  10. 大型扁型钢锭模的裂纹分析及结构优化设计

    Crack Analysis and Optimum Design of the Large Flat Ingot Mold

  11. 9吋两用钢锭模的设计改进与实践

    Improvement in design of 9-inch dual purpose ingot mould and Practice

  12. 钢锭模的材质选择

    Choice of Fork Lift Truck Choosing the Materials of Ingot Mould

  13. 双包浇注钢锭模大平板的铸造工艺

    Casting Process of Huge Flat Ingot With Double Ladles Pouring

  14. 钢锭模截面形状对应力场分布的影响

    Influence of mould shape on distribution of stress in ingots

  15. 钢锭模帽部结构的优化设计

    Optimum Design for the Riser - head Structures of Steel Ingot Moulds

  16. 钢锭模在铸锭过程中温度场的计算机数值模拟

    Computer Simulation of Temperature Fields of Ingot Mould in the Casting Ingot

  17. 钢锭模在热循环状态下的失效形式分析

    Failure modes analysis of ingot mould under the thermal cycling phase condition

  18. 电子束冷床炉单次熔炼钛合金铸锭研究进展钢锭模准备和脱锭跨

    Development of Electron-Beam Cold Hearth Single Melt Process for Titanium Alloy Ingots

  19. 钒钛蠕墨铸铁大型钢锭模的组织与性能

    The Microstructure and Properties of Vanadium-Titanium C / V Iron Ingot Mould

  20. 中锰铸铁钢锭模生产试验与研究

    The Production Test and Study On Medium & Manganese Cast Iron Ingot Mould

  21. 因此,在进行钢锭模设计时,应综合考虑钢锭的质量和成材率。

    Therefore , both quality of steel ingot and yield are considered synthetically .

  22. C&8513钢锭模结构设计分析及实践

    Design analysis and practice of C 8513 ingot mould

  23. 铸铁钢锭模残留铸造应力探讨

    Inquiry into Casting Residual Stress of Cast-iron Ingot Mould

  24. 钢锭模准备和脱锭跨均热炉钢锭装炉温度效益的定量分析

    Quantitative analysis of benefits of charging temperature of steel ingot of soaking pit

  25. 钢锭模模型热疲劳试验及其分析

    Thermal fatigue tests and analyses of ingot mould model

  26. 提高钢锭模使用寿命的优化设计

    Optimizing design for prolonging service life of ingot mould

  27. 模式识别和逐步回归在研制钢锭模涂料中的应用

    Pattern Recognition and Stepwise Regression Technique Applied to Research of Steel Ingot Mould Wash

  28. 出口美国铝锭模的工艺设计及铸造生产钢锭模准备和脱锭跨

    Casting Process Design and Production of Aluminum Ingot Mold Export to the United States

  29. 具有渗铝工作面的钢锭模的铸造

    Casting the Ingot Molds with Aluminized Working Surface

  30. 铝热焊修复钢锭模

    Repair welding of ingot die with thermit welding