
  • 网络piano teacher
  1. 你必须丢掉你的前任钢琴老师所教的一切坏习惯。

    You 'll have to unlearn all the bad habits you learned with your last piano teacher .

  2. 在我的钢琴老师家过夜。

    Ever had a sleepover at my piano teacher 's house .

  3. 那我们做什么,请我们的钢琴老师来?

    So what do we do , send for our harps ?

  4. 听说钢琴老师钟点费每小时六百元起跳。

    I heard piano teachers make at least NT $ 600 an hour .

  5. 晚上我去了一下钢琴老师家。

    I visited my piano teacher 's house tonight .

  6. 南茜很仰慕她的钢琴老师。

    Nan Qian admires her piano teacher very much .

  7. 赫伯特:她钢琴老师。

    Herbert : She 's a piano teacher .

  8. 你是否还是她的钢琴老师?

    Aren 't you also her piano teacher ?

  9. 她的第一个钢琴老师赞扬她手指灵巧。

    Her first piano teacher praised her dexterity .

  10. 因为当时我被我钢琴老师吓到,她的鼻子突然就跑到这里了

    and I was terrified by my piano teacher whose nose was suddenly here .

  11. 我的钢琴老师却不这样想。

    The piano teacher thought otherwise .

  12. 你得先改掉以前钢琴老师教给你的一切坏习惯!

    You must start by unlearning all the bad habits your previous piano teacher taught you !

  13. 结束后,我的钢琴老师和她的丈夫介绍我来了一家据说让人吃后难忘的中餐馆。

    Afterwards , my piano teacher and her husband introduced me to this unforgettable Chinese restaurant .

  14. 那就是我为什么从来没有在我钢琴老师家睡过。

    Which is why I never , ever had a sleepover at my piano teacher 's house .

  15. 我的钢琴老师说我每周应该练习固定的几个小时。

    My piano teacher says that I should practise for a set number of hours a week .

  16. 他们因此举家搬迁到北京,请了最好的钢琴老师执教郎朗。

    This included the family 's moving to Beijing and inviting the best piano teacher to coach Lang Lang.

  17. 对许多人来说它是最弱的手指,特别是钢琴老师可以证明。

    Surprising to many is the fact that this is our weakest finger ; as any piano teacher will testify .

  18. 右边是我最爱的宇宙超级霹雳无敌麻辣锅,左边是我钢琴老师点的养生滋补锅。

    On the right is my super duper crazy madly hot spicy pot while on the left is my piano teacher 's healthy nutritious pot .

  19. 你的钢琴老师也许听法国作曲家德彪西的音乐能静下心来,但爱尔兰的小红莓乐队可能会把你带回到一处类似90年代中期宁静的地方。

    Your piano teacher might chill out to Debussy , but maybe The Cranberries take you back to a relaxing , mid-90s kind of place .

  20. 他与他弟弟的钢琴老师苏珊娜利荷夫私通,在1852年1月29日生下一个儿子。

    His liaison with Suzanne leenhoff , his brother 's piano teacher , had resulted in the birth of a son on29 january , 1852 .

  21. 很快,马克西姆的钢琴老师就发现他有着不同寻常的天分,于是他进了希贝尼克的国立音乐学校。

    It wasn 't long before it became obvious to Maksim 's teachers that he had a rare talent and the boy was enrolled in Sibenik 's state music school .

  22. 我们还进行了一些良好友善的交谈,关于洋人钢琴老师和中国钢琴老师的不同。

    There 's always room for improvement and she gave me a couple of hints and tips on how to play the piano'well'and not simply make a melody out of it .

  23. 我和弟弟同我们的美国同龄人获得的机会是均等的:同一所学校,同样的网球课,相同的钢琴老师……但我们被中国传统文化熏陶的思想是一个很大的优势,我们为此感到骄傲。

    My brother and I were given all the opportunities of our American friends - the same schools , the same tennis lessons , the same piano teachers .... but we had the wonderful advantage in my mind of a cultural heritage that we were always taught to be proud of .

  24. 他是我的钢琴启蒙老师。

    He introduced me to the piano .

  25. 他钢琴弹得和老师一样好。

    He plays the piano as well as his teacher .

  26. 这是一种智能钢琴,名为theOne。它使用跟灯模式和电子游戏来向孩子们展示如何弹钢琴——不需要老师。

    The device is a smart piano known as the One , and it uses synchronized lights and video games to show children how to play the piano - no teacher required .