
  • 网络Piano Artistry;piano
  1. 新一代法国钢琴艺术的展现

    An Exposition of the New Generation of French Piano Artistry

  2. 中国钢琴艺术究竟始于何时?

    When Exactly Did the Piano Artistry Start in China ?

  3. 钢琴艺术是一门多声部音乐的艺术。

    Piano is an art of many vocal part music .

  4. 论俄罗斯文化高原时期的钢琴艺术

    The Piano Art in Russia " Cultural Plateau " Center

  5. 中国钢琴艺术的幸运&周广仁先生生日感言

    The Fortune of the Art of Piano in China

  6. 浅谈西方钢琴艺术史

    A Brief Talk on the History of the Art of the Western Piano

  7. 约·塞·巴赫(1685-1750)的古钢琴艺术

    The Harpsichord Music of Johann Sebastian Bach ( 1685-1750 ) the Art Of piano

  8. 外国钢琴家在中国钢琴艺术形成中的作用

    The Role of Foreign Pianists in the Formation of the China s Piano Art

  9. 被世界各国人民认可和喜爱的钢琴艺术具有世界性意义。

    The piano art approved and loved by people worldwide is of international significance .

  10. 文化交流对中国钢琴艺术的影响

    The Chinese Piano Art of Cultural Communication Sight

  11. 钢琴艺术的创新方向

    The Creation Orientation of the Art of Piano

  12. 中国钢琴艺术的发展环境浅论

    An Initial Study of the Internal Mechanism and Condition of China 's Piano Art Development

  13. 钢琴艺术民族化刍议

    On the Nationalization of the Piano Art

  14. 培养艺术直觉感悟钢琴艺术&谈钢琴艺术中的直觉因素

    Feeling the Art of Piano by Intuition

  15. 作为表演艺术的一个门类,钢琴艺术包括钢琴独奏、重奏、伴奏三种表演形式。

    Piano art as one of performance art , contains piano solo 、 duet and accompaniment .

  16. 发挥文化优势打响文化品牌&关于加强中国与东盟钢琴艺术文化交流的思考

    Exploit Cultural Disadvantages and Popularize Cultural Features ideas on strengthening cultural exchanges in China-Asean piano arts

  17. 论中国钢琴艺术的时代特征

    On the Piano Education of China

  18. 钢琴艺术是一门实践性很强的学科,而师范类院校的钢琴教学难度更大一些。

    The teaching of piano in Normal College is more demanding because it requires more practicality .

  19. 中国音乐学院国际钢琴艺术节

    China Conservatory International Piano Festival

  20. 钢琴艺术

    The Art Of piano

  21. 作为音乐艺术形式的一种,目前人们对钢琴艺术的研究也越来越多的与心理研究相结合。

    Now as one part of music research the research of piano has combined with the psychological research .

  22. 留学期间,翁惠慧在音乐殿堂的大熔炉里钢琴艺术造诣不断升华。

    Huihui Weng keep on develop her skills of playing piano in Vienna , the great music palace .

  23. 教育作为弘扬文化艺术的一种必需手段,也体现在音乐这一领域里:钢琴艺术和钢琴音乐文化的巩固、继承与推广,都需要通过钢琴教育这个途径来实现。

    As an essential means of promoting culture and arts education is also reflected in the music area .

  24. 钢琴艺术主要由三个要素组成:钢琴技巧、乐曲情感、乐曲内涵。

    Piano Music consists of three elements : piano skills , the emotion of the music and its content .

  25. 钢琴艺术经历了三百年的历史,人们对钢琴教学的研究也经历了近三个世纪的发展。

    Piano Art has three hundred years of history , people study the piano teaching experience nearly three centuries .

  26. 个性张扬是浪漫主义的精神所在,正因为此,浪漫主义时期是钢琴艺术发展的一个黄金时代,艺术家层出不穷、风格迥异。

    Romantic time was a gold era for piano arts development and artists emerged one after another with different styles .

  27. 在他的作品中处处流露出浓郁的中国民族风格,清晰地显现出民族音乐与钢琴艺术相融合的特色。

    The Chinese national style showed in his works clearly presents the fusion character of national music and piano art .

  28. 创作是中国钢琴艺术的主体,中国的作曲家们一直在向着使钢琴民族化的方向努力着。

    Creation is the main body of Chinese piano art and the Chinese music writers are working hard to make piano art nationalized .

  29. 目前,灵感在钢琴艺术领域中的研究寥寥无几,作者希望能通过本文对灵感在钢琴艺术领域的研究做出有意义的尝试;

    For the moment , the study of inspiration in the piano field is rare , and this thesis is a significant attempt to that study .

  30. 这一阶段是中国钢琴艺术和钢琴音乐发展的萌芽与探索时期,也是中国钢琴教育的起步时期。

    This period is embryonic and exploration of the Chinese art of piano and piano music , but also the initial period of Chinese piano education .