
qián jì
  • seal or stamp of a government organization in old China;official seal
钤记 [qián jì]
  • [official seal] 旧时受地方长官委任办事的机关或人员所用的木制印章,通常长方形

钤记[qián jì]
  1. 这些都装饰有总统钤记的浮雕花纹,有的还贴有总统亲笔签名的印记。哦,开演前的预备钤响了。

    All embossed with the presidential seal and some with an imprint of the presidential signature .

  2. 在杨公写给曾公的“钤记”中,他指出三僚村的地理走向是“出土蜈蚣艮寅向”,是一只活生生的蜈蚣;

    Writing to once male " the Qian recorded " at Yang Gong is medium , he pointed out that the geography alignment of three Liao villages is " sprouted centipede Gen Yin to ", a living centipede ;

  3. 男人在警钤声响,告诉他以抽离保持平衡前,他能掌握的亲密就是这么多。这些都装饰有总统钤记的浮雕花纹,有的还贴有总统亲笔签名的印记。

    A man can only handle so much intimacy before his alarm bells go off , saying it is time to find balance by pulling away . All embossed with the presidential seal and some with an imprint of the presidential signature .
