
  1. 在首相府门前聚集着一大群记者。

    A large crowd of reporters collected outside the prime minister 's house .

  2. 其后由哈科兹的孙子,乌黎雅的儿子默勒摩特修理另一段,即从厄肋雅史布的府门,至厄肋雅史布家的尽头。

    Next to him Meremoth son of Uriah , son of Hakkoz from the door of Eliashib 's house to its farther end .

  3. 其后由匝拜的儿子巴鲁客修理另一段,即由转角,直到大司祭厄肋雅史布的府门。

    Next to him Baruch son of Zabbai worked from the Angle as far as the door of the house of Eliashib the high priest .

  4. 今年3月15日,地面交通驾驶员协会举行了一场有两千名司机参与的和平集会。他们在雅加达市政厅、通信与信息部和总统府门前抗议,控诉这种新竞争损害了自己的生计。

    On March 15 , the transportation association held a peaceful rally of 2000 drivers who protested outside City Hall , the Ministry of Communications and Information , and the Presidential Palace , saying the new competition was hurting their livelihoods .

  5. 针刺风府哑门穴治疗中风后遗症152例疗效观察

    Clinical Observation on the Effect of Acupuncture into Fengfu and Yamen in Treating Sequela of Apoplexy

  6. 结果表明:针刺风府、哑门穴为主的治疗组基本痊愈率为48.26%,优于对照组(P<0.01)。

    The results showed that the curative rate of the treatment group was 42.86 % and the control group 28 % ( P < 0.01 ) .

  7. 针刺风府、哑门穴的研究

    The Wind Research on the Effect of Needling Points Fengfu and Yamen

  8. 目的:观察以风府、哑门为主穴针刺治疗小儿痉挛型脑瘫的临床疗效。

    Objective : To observe the clinical efficacy on spasmodic infantile cerebral palsy treated with acupuncture at Fengfu ( GV16 ) and Yamen ( GV15 ) .

  9. 方法:采用针刺风府、哑门穴配合循经选穴的方法治疗中风后遗症152例,15天1疗程,用3~4个疗程。

    Method : 152 patients with sequela of apoplexy were treated with acupuncture into Fengfu and Yamen for 3 to 4 therapeutic courses ( 15 days for each course ) .

  10. 结论:治疗组生存质量优于对照组,显示以风府、哑门为主穴针刺治疗小儿痉挛型脑瘫疗效确实。

    Conclusion : The survival quality in the treatment group was superior to the control group . The research indicates that acupuncture at Fengfu ( GV16 ) and Yamen ( GV15 ) as the chief acupoints in the prescription achieves the definite efficacy on spasmodic infantile cerebral palsy .