
qián zhuāng
  • bank;money shop;native bank;money houses;old-style Chinese private bank
钱庄 [qián zhuāng]
  • [old-style Chinese private bank] 我国旧时私人经营的金融业商店,主要从事存款、放款、汇兑等业务

钱庄[qián zhuāng]
  1. 论中国本土商业银行的发轫&宁波钱庄过帐制度研究

    About the beginning of Chinese domestic commercial banking & A research of Ningbo money houses ' accounting system

  2. 原先的钱庄、典当、合会等农村金融机关,在这一时期开始走向哀落。

    The original rural financial institutions such as native bank , pawn , the united society in this period began to decline .

  3. 金融资本家从封建的钱庄主人、商人演变而来。

    Financial capitalists derived from feudalistic private bank owners and merchants .

  4. 金融风潮也暴露了导致钱庄经营失败的内部原因。

    The financial agitation showed the internal reason for its failure .

  5. 自贡地区的钱庄、票号与盐业发展

    The Private Bank , Exchange Shop and Salt Industrial Development in Zigong Area

  6. 原来你就是那个教堂里的钱庄。

    So you 're the money-changer in the temple .

  7. 有星期日还开的兑换钱庄吗?

    Is there any money exchange open on sunday ?

  8. 兑换钱庄开到多晚?

    How late is the money exchange open ?

  9. 1883年金融危机中的票号与钱庄(下)

    On the Exchange Bank and Private Bank in Financial Crisis in 1883 ( Continued );

  10. 闽都文化与近代福州钱庄发展关系探析

    The Relationship between Culture of Min Capital and the Development of Money Shops in Fuzhou in Modern History

  11. 文章考察了民初汇划制度的一般情况及币制问题与钱庄的关系,分析了民初币制银两公率增加的原因和影响。

    It also analyzes the reason and effect of the addition to the currency system of the tael metric rate .

  12. 但是,随着机器大工业兴起,钱庄的局限性日益凸显。

    However , with the rising of large machine industry , the development of the banking house was greatly limited .

  13. 银锭:成块的纯银,上有某钱庄或某鉴定者的标志,以前在中国用作货币。

    Lumps of pure silver bearing the stamp of a banker or an assayer and formerly used in China as money .

  14. 近代宁波钱庄的空盘市场属于一种货币远期,但尚未发展到期货阶段。

    The short contract market of modern Ningbo money shops belonged to a monetary far date , but did not develop into futures .

  15. 有关部门说,这家钱庄由36岁的陈惠专在其一大家人的协助下经营,她曾从事过电子产品销售工作。

    They said it was run by Chen Huizhuan , a 36-year-old former electronics saleswoman , with the help of her extended family .

  16. 浅议清末和民国时期钱庄、银号和银行的票据

    A Succinct Comment on Bills Issued by Old-Style Private Banks , Banking Houses and Banks in Late Qing Dynasty and Era of Republic of China

  17. 它包括民间借贷、民间集资、各种形式的合会、农村信用社、城市信用社、城市商业银行、农村合作基金会、银背和私人钱庄等。

    It includes borrowing , various forms of cooperation , credit intermediation , private banks , informal funds , rural cooperative , rural credit cooperatives .

  18. 最近,北卡罗来纳州通过让高利贷钱庄行业在该州营业法律自动失效的方式,向发薪日贷款者关上了大门。

    One state , North Carolina , recently kicked out payday lenders by allowing the law that allowed money stores to operate there to expire .

  19. 钱庄庄票最为重要的特性是其在金融市场与商品市场的流通性。

    The money shop bank note issued by old-style Chinese private banks most important characteristic is it in the money market and the commodity market conductivity .

  20. 而且官办金融机构常随着政局的动荡而倒闭歇业,信誉反而不如私营的钱庄。

    State-owned finance services whose reputation was not better than that of private banking house often closed down and suspended operations with the turmoil of political situation .

  21. 重庆市大学生电子商务创业实践与高校创业教育研究重庆钱庄与工商各业历来关系密切,钱商不得不与中小工商业者分担一定的经营风险。

    Study on Students e-commerce Venture Practice of Chongqing and Entrepreneurship Education in Colleges ; the private bank had a intimate relationship with the industrialists and businessmen .

  22. 他生于天津,家里开办钱庄,早在明朝时期从山西洪洞县移居至天津。

    He was born in Tianjin to a banking family originated in Hongdong County , Shanxi , that immigrated to Tianjin in Ming Dynasty ( 1368-1644 ) .

  23. 好了,快去看燕窝粥罢。等我出去了回来,就给你一个钱庄上的存折:一百块钱!

    Now , run along and see to my porridge , and when I come home , I 'll give you a passbook for a hundred dollars .

  24. 目前中国的农村民间金融主要包括民间借贷、合会、私人钱庄、典当、民间集资、农村合作基金会、小额信贷等形式。

    At present , informal finances includes non-governmental lending finance , private banks , pawn , private fund-raising , rural cooperative foundations , and other forms of micro-credit .

  25. 实行过帐制度以后的宁波钱庄才能称为商业银行,而此前的钱庄不能称为商业银行。

    After posting the implementation of the system can be called the banking house in Ningbo Commercial Bank , while the previous banking house can not be called commercial banks .

  26. 捕鲸就是这样,在辽阔的海洋上,远离一切杂货店,叫卖小贩,医生,面包店和钱庄,所以必须装备三年的用具。

    Just so with whaling , which necessitates a three-years ' housekeeping upon the wide ocean , far from all grocers , costermongers , doctors , bakers , and bankers .

  27. 这个体系包括国有银行的表外贷款、私人基金管理的资金,以及数量众多、且不断激增的未注册银行和钱庄管理下的资产。

    The system includes off-balance-sheet lending by state banks , the funds under management by private funds and the assets of a booming multitude of unregistered banks and loan sharks .

  28. 之后文章介绍了我国农村非正规金融的主要组织形式:民间借贷、社会集资、合会、银背和私人钱庄,以及典当行业。

    In the following , the paper introduces the major organizational forms of informal finance , private lending , community funds , RCAs , silver back , and private banks , and the pawn industry .

  29. 在工业化的起步阶段,以经营信用放款为主的小资本钱庄适应了小工商业的需要,在社会融资过程中扮演重要角色。

    When the industrialization was starting , the small banking house mainly provided a lone against credit , which catered to the needs of small industry and business . This played an important role in social financing .

  30. 民间金融中的某些形式如民间借贷、合会等将继续存在,银背和钱庄等形式将逐渐退出历史舞台,新型的民间金融形式如民营银行将出现。

    Some forms such as informal financing activities will exit consistently , some forms such as the ' underground banks ' will withdraw from the history gradually , and the new forms such as the private banks will appear .