
qián guì
  • till;money-locker;moneybox;money chest
钱柜 [qián guì]
  • [money chest] 为防窃盗而设计的一种装贵重物品(如现款、珍宝)的金属柜

钱柜[qián guì]
  1. 鲍瑞斯终于设法打开了世界这个钱柜,从中找到了钞票和金币。

    At last , Boris had managed to open the money-locker and found bank notes and gold coins inside .

  2. 老板发现他从钱柜里偷钱。

    The boss discovered him stealing money from the till .

  3. 去钱柜KTV,让您在自己的歌声里陶醉。

    Go to Cashbox KTV , allow you to revel in their own voice inside .

  4. 可惜这个价位的收银机不过是一个钱柜上面装了台计算器。

    These are unfortunately calculators on top of cash boxes .

  5. 你能做的就是把钱柜里的钱都交出来。

    You can do me for all the money in the till .

  6. 我一直在数钱柜中的钱。

    I 've just been counting the till money .

  7. 我会演示给你看怎样使用这个钱柜,很容易的。

    I 'll show you how to work the till-it 's quite easy .

  8. 出纳员把钱柜关好并锁上了。

    The cashier shut the till and locked it .

  9. 他把钱放人钱柜。

    He put the money into the till .

  10. 这里可是个“钱柜”。

    It 's real high turnover here .

  11. 雇主把有记号的钱放入钱柜作圈套来诱捕那个人。

    The employer set a trap for the man By putting marked money in the till .

  12. 那只钱柜分成了三格。

    Three compartments divided the coffer .

  13. 大宗的金钱在这儿易手,通常最后进入澳门政府的钱柜。

    Considerable sums of money change hands here and generally end up in Macau 's state coffers .

  14. 两个蒙面的持枪男子突然闯入店中,强行索要钱柜里的所有现金。

    Suddenly two masked gunmen burst into the shop and demanded all the cash in the till .

  15. 在法国金钱往往被藏到钱柜里,在这里却是进入流通。

    In France the money tends to disappear into the sock ; here it goes into circulation .

  16. 钱柜将会是将有种叫做,凡?科特的银行票据报告,和验钞机的东西。

    Cash box would be would have something called it was called Van Court 's Bank Note Reporter and Counterfeit Detector .

  17. 然而,价格定得越是不便,那些依靠操纵钱柜行窃的人就越不可能得逞。

    However , the more awkward the pricing , the more unlikely those thieving till-jockeys are to be able to pull off the trick .

  18. 它们来了,它们看到了&而且,虽然它们还未征服整个市场,但外资银行在中国的钱柜正叮当作响。

    They came , they saw – and while they have yet to conquer , foreign banks ' cash tills in China are ringing .

  19. 第27条有人说当钱币一投入钱柜中叮当作响时,灵魂就超脱炼狱飞入天堂,这是宣传者的捏造。

    They preach man who say that as soon as the penny jingles into the money-box , the soul flies out [ of purgatory ] .

  20. 为了钱柜,人们热情地流了自己的血;有人以斯巴达人的狂热来护卫小店浦??这个极其渺小的国家的缩影。

    They shed their blood lyrically for the counting-house ; and they defended the shop , that immense diminutive of the fatherland , with Lacedaemonian enthusiasm .

  21. 否则,虽然钱柜更满了,但它大概不能在全球经济问题上结结实实地咬上一口。

    And it may be unable , in spite of its much fuller coffers , to make a serious dent in the problems of the global economy .

  22. 一霎时,挖开了一块三尺长两尺宽的地面,唐太斯看到了一只橡木钱柜,外面包着一层已被挖破了的铁皮。

    In an instant a space three feet long by two feet broad was cleared , and Dants could see an oaken coffer , bound with cut steel .

  23. 在这种情况下,店员不用打开钱柜,就可以轻易地替顾客把货物包好,然后把现金揣进自己腰包。

    In such cases it would be simple for the shop assistant to bag the item without ringing it through the till , and to pocket the cash .