
  1. 他表示,被称为“阿富汗伊斯兰酋长国”的新领导层希望为女性提供工作、学习以及在政府工作的机会。

    He said the new leadership , which is called the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan , wants to give women chances to work and study and work in government .

  2. 8月16日,塔利班武装分子控制了这座城市,加尼乘坐直升机离开阿富汗前往阿拉伯联合酋长国。

    As Taliban fighters took control of the city August 16 , Ghani left Afghanistan for the United Arab Emirates in a helicopter .

  3. 塔利班将阿富汗的名字改为了阿富汗伊斯兰酋长国,

    The Taliban changed Afghanistan 's name to Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ,

  4. 在8月19日阿富汗独立日之际,塔利班正式宣布阿富汗成为伊斯兰酋长国。

    On the occasion of Afghanistan 's Independence Day on August 19th , the Taliban officially declared the country as an Islamic Emirate .