
yòu qīng
  • Right deviation;Right opportunist tendencies
右倾 [yòu qīng]
  • [Right opportunist tendencies;Right deviation] 思想、观念僵化;对反动势力表现软弱、忍让

右倾[yòu qīng]
  1. 日本政治右倾化的原因剖析

    Analysis of the Reasons of Japanese Political Right Deviation

  2. 战后日本右倾化过程中的美国因素

    The Roles Played by America in the Process of the Post-war Japanese Right Deviation

  3. 他继续敦促保守党奉行右倾路线。

    He continued to urge the Conservative Party to tilt rightwards

  4. 结果显示舆论出现一定程度的右倾。

    The result reflects a modest rightward shift in opinion .

  5. 政治上我属于右倾。

    Politically , I lean towards the right

  6. 稀土配分曲线呈轻稀土富集的右倾形式,并具有中等-强烈的负Eu异常。

    LREE in the volcanic rocks were slightly enriched with moderate to strong Eu anomalies .

  7. 稀土元素模式曲线具缓右倾V字形,铕亏损强烈。

    The chondrite-normalized REE patterns exhibit a gently right-dipping V-type curve with a severe depletion in Eu .

  8. 尽管乔治布什(georgew.bush)与里根、金里奇同样右倾,但他却设法终结了保守主义时代。

    Though George W. Bush is as rightwing as Mr Reagan or Mr Gingrich , he has managed to terminate the conservative era .

  9. 本区沉积物REE分布模式为右倾,富集轻稀土,具中等Eu负异常,与东海、黄海等近海陆源沉积物相似。

    This is similar to the REE characteristics of continental sediments such as the East Sea and the Yellow Sea sediments .

  10. 稀土元素配分模式上,球粒陨石标准化配分曲线明显右倾,轻稀土元素相对富集,反映出沉积物中等程度的Eu负异常。

    In REE distribution patterns , the chondrite-normalized REE partition curve incline to the right , indicate that they are enriched in LREE and middle degree Eu negative abnormity .

  11. 稀土含量特征及球粒陨石标准化模式与岛弧拉斑玄武岩的特征相似,w(∑ree)值高,且富轻稀土,稀土配分模式为右倾型。

    The REE distribution patterns with high value of Σ REE , enrichment of LREE and incline to the right are similar to the island-arc tholeiite .

  12. 岚皋碱质煌斑杂岩主量元素呈规律性演化,REE球粒陨石标准化配分型式呈强右倾型,富集不相容元素。

    The alkali lamprophyre complex from Langao County , whose chondrite-normalized REE patterns all incline to the right and whose major elements vary regularly , has abundant incompatible elements .

  13. 含矿建造中容矿岩石的REE球粒陨石标准化模式是具有中等的Ce负异常和明显的Eu正异常、向右倾的图形,与一些热水沉积物的模式都有相似之处。

    The REE chondrite standardized model of the ore-bearing host rock show a middle Ce negative anomaly , obviously Eu positive anomaly and the right dip graphics , which are similar to some hot water sediments model .

  14. 相比之下,英国独立党(UKIP)和法国国民阵线(NationalFront)等欧洲民粹主义反移民政党的崛起正将移民辩论推向更右倾的方向。

    In Europe , by contrast , the rise of populist anti-immigration parties , such as Britain 's UK Independence party and France 's National Front , is still driving the debate to the right .

  15. 2004年,较右倾的共和党之一迪克切尼(DickCheney)为了支持一项达1万亿美元的减税计划而说了这句话,而当时的公共财政离健康状态相距甚远。

    In 2004 Dick Cheney , one of the more right-leaning Republicans , was making the case for a trillion - dollar tax cut , when the public finances were in far from healthy shape .

  16. 我们用TILE中的可编程资源构建扫描链,并根据GRM中的开关方向,将测试分为水平向测试,垂直向测试,左倾测试及右倾测试。

    We use the programmable logic resource in TILE to build scan chain . Based on the direction of switch in GRM , we classify the testing into horizontal testing , vertical testing , left diagonal testing and right diagonal testing .

  17. 这个地区有很强的右倾传统。

    There was a strong tradition of rightism in the area .

  18. 稀土元素配分模式为轻稀土略富集的右倾曲线。

    The mode of REE with enriched LREE is right-dip curve .

  19. 他不顾一切反对,执行小资产阶级右倾机会主义政策。

    Overriding all opposition , he followed a Right-opportunist petty-bourgeois policy .

  20. 谁要是忽视或轻视了这一点,谁就要犯右倾机会主义的错误。

    Whoever overlooks or belittles this point will commit Right opportunist mistakes .

  21. 罗姆尼就是这种右倾趋势的一个标杆。

    Mr Romney offers a useful measure of this lurch .

  22. 他们甚至比现政府更加右倾。

    They 're even farther to the right than the present government .

  23. 在政治上,她比其前任右倾。

    Politically , she 's further to the right than her predecessor .

  24. 批判离开总路线的右倾观点

    Refute Right deviationist views that depart from the general line

  25. 第四部分,分析了日本右翼势力与政治右倾化的发展趋势及影响。

    The four chapter analyzes the tendency and influence .

  26. 我船有严重的右倾。

    I have heavy list to starboard side .

  27. 这就要犯右倾的错误。

    This will lead to Right deviationist mistakes .

  28. 右倾主要是过高估计敌人的力量。

    The Right deviations consist chiefly in over estimating the strength of the enemy .

  29. 坚决执行命令,肃清一切右倾的观点!

    You must carry out all orders with firmness and purge all rightist views !

  30. 如果忽视了这一方面,这就是右倾机会主义。

    To neglect all this is Right opportunism .