
yòu shǒu
  • the right hand;the right side
右手 [yòu shǒu]
  • (1) [right hand]∶右边的手

  • (2) [the right side]∶右首

右手[yòu shǒu]
  1. 军人必须举右手敬礼。

    All soldiers must salute with the right hand .

  2. 难道右手不能变回来吗?

    Can 't the right hand be used again like before ?

  3. 用左手写字的人比用右手的人少。

    Fewer people write with their left hand than with their right .

  4. 走右手的第一条街。

    Take the first street on the right .

  5. 他右手食指骨裂。

    He suffered a hairline fracture of the right index finger .

  6. 他举起右手刚刚能够到那个男人的头。

    He could just reach the man 's head with his right hand .

  7. 过了一会儿,他用右手把布抹平。

    After a moment his right hand moved across the cloth , smoothing it flat

  8. 他依然清醒,正试图用右手止血。

    He was still conscious , trying to stem the bleeding with his right hand .

  9. 她的右手和我的手挨得很近。

    Her right hand is inches from mine

  10. 他站立着,右手举枪,左手稳住枪对准目标。

    He stood with the gun in his right hand and his left hand steadying his aim .

  11. 门多萨朝帕拉西奥斯的下巴猛地一记右手拳将其打倒在地,在数点八下后这场拳击比赛结束了。

    The fight ended when Mendoza landed a hard right to the chin of Palacios , who went down for a count of eight .

  12. 举起你的右手。

    Hold up your right hand .

  13. 因为共有四次反射,出射的像将是右手座标系。

    Since there are four reflections , the exiting image will be right-handed .

  14. 很多地方汽车司机在马路的右手侧行车。

    In many places cars driver on the right-hand side of the road .

  15. 在印度时,记得用右手吃饭。

    When in India , remember to eat with your right hand .

  16. 许多惯用右手的人能更好地理解口头语言。

    Many right-handed people understand spoken words better .

  17. 如果你用右手触摸你的右耳,你的镜像就会用左手触摸它的左耳。

    If you touch your right ear with your right hand , your picture touches its left ear with its left hand .

  18. 例:好,那么现在抬起你的右手,对了!

    Okay , now , lift your right hand .

  19. 杰克是一位双手都很灵巧的打击手,他可以用右手或左手打击。

    Jack is an ambidextrous hitter ; he can bat right-handed or left-handed .

  20. 然后,他们通过一个基因“找不同”游戏对左撇子和习惯用右手的人进行了比较。

    They then compared lefties and righties in a giant game of genetic3 spot-the-difference .

  21. 一个表演者控制木偶的头部,面部和右手。

    One puppeteer controls the doll 's head , face , and right hand .

  22. 另一位伟大的统治者查理曼发现自己左手握剑比右手握剑更加灵便。

    Charlemagne , another great ruler , found it handier to grip his sword with his left hand .

  23. 当我回过头去的时候,汉兹右手举着刀都快到我眼前了!

    But when I looked round , there he was , half-way towards me with the knife in his right hand !

  24. 他左手拿着酒壶,右手又开始给画好了的蛇添上脚。

    Holding the wine pot in his left hand , he began to add feet to the finished snake with his right hand .

  25. 黔敖见了,左手捧着食物,右手拿着茶水,吃喝道:“喂!来吃个饱吧!”

    When Qian Ao saw this , he held food in his left hand and tea in his right , shouting : " Hey , come and eat your fill . "

  26. 黔敖见了,就左手拿着吃的,右手捧着喝的,向他喊道:“喂,来吃吧!”

    Seeing the poor man , Qian Ao held the food by left hand and the drink by right hand , and shouted at him , " Hi , come to eat ! ”

  27. 指令参与构建复杂的“脚手架”,即细胞骨架,它组织我们体内的细胞,最终形成一个构造有别于惯用右手的人的左撇子大脑。

    They 're involved in building the intricate " scaffolding " , known as the cytoskeleton that organises the inside of our body 's cells and culminate4 in a brain that is wired differently in left-handed people .

  28. 至于为什么握手被视为一种打招呼的好方法,而非其他,最普遍的解释是它占用了右手,让其无法持有武器。

    As for why shaking hands was deemed a good method of greeting , rather than some other gesture , the most popular explanation is that it incapacitates the right hand , making it useless for weapon holding .

  29. 结果:右手握拳维持肌张力激活左侧初级运动皮层区(PrimaryMotorCortex,M1)、初级体感觉皮层(primarysenso-rycortex,S1)及右侧小脑半球。

    Results : Right hand sustained muscle contraction activated the left primary motor cortex , the left primary sensory cortex and right cerebellum .

  30. k张弓,好像仇敌;祂站着举起右手,如同敌人,将悦人眼目的尽行杀戮。

    He has bent His bow like an enemy ; He has set His right hand like an adversary And has slain all that was pleasant to the eye .