
  • 【数】right continuous
  1. R是右连续环。

    R is right continuous .

  2. 这个类包含具有右连续样本函数的Feller过程。

    The kind includes Feller processes with right continuous sample functions .

  3. 证明了有右连续轨道的两指标Feller过程是~-强右选Markov过程。

    Two-parameter Feller processes with right cotinuous sample functions are shown to be the right strong - Markov processes on optional points .

  4. 两指标Feller过程的中性马氏性和自然σ域族的右连续性

    Moderate Markov property and right continuity of natural filtrations of two-parameter Feller processes

  5. 两指标马氏过程自然σ域族的右连续性

    Right Continuity of σ - Fields Generated by Two-parameter Markov Processes

  6. 右连续上鞅的提升及其应用

    The lifting of right continuous supermartingale with its application

  7. 证明了一类两指标马氏过程的宽过去自然σ域族为右连续。

    It is shown that the wide-past natural filtrations of a kind of two-parameter Markov processes are right continuous .

  8. 该关系式为阶梯递减右连续函数,阶梯数等于接收天线数目。

    The formula is a step decreasing and right continuous function , and the number of steps is equal to the number of receiving antennas .

  9. 本文引入复广义权的概念,讨论了具有右连续性或可数次可加性的复广义权的某些性质。

    In this paper the concept of complex generalized weights is introduced . And we discuss the properties for the complex weights with the right continuity or countable subadditivity .

  10. 设G是局部紧群,f是G上的右一致连续函数。

    Let G be a locally Compact group .

  11. 关于区间值三角模左(右)连续的充要条件

    Sufficient and necessary condition of left ( tight ) - continuity of interval valued t-norms

  12. 一类无穷矩阵代数的右乘序列连续性

    The Sequential Continuity of Right Multiplication on a Class of Infinite Matrix Algebras

  13. 右端不连续的非线性系统近年来受到广泛关注与重视。

    Nonlinear systems with discontinuous right-hand sides have been paid attention in recent years .

  14. 基于滑模控制及切换控制得到的闭环系统也是右端不连续的系统,源于最优控制策略得到的控制律也经常是不连续的,由此得到的闭环系统亦是右端不连续的系统。

    Variable structure control systems and switched systems are also systems with discontinuous right-hand sides . The control laws derived from optimal control strategy are always discontinuous , hence the closed-loop systems are discontinuous , too .

  15. 随机右截断情形下连续过程生存函数的估计及其性质

    The Estimate of Survival Function and Its Asymptotic Properties for Continuous Processes under Censored Data

  16. 方法切取肾母细胞瘤患儿肿瘤组织植入裸小鼠右前肢皮下,连续传代。

    Methods Fresh human Wilms ' tumour specimens were sliced and inoculated hypodermically into the forelimbs of nude mice .