
  • 网络Farah;farah province
  1. 美军发言人说,袭击发生在西部的法拉省,目标是那些帮助训练阿富汗警察的美方人员。

    A U.S military spokesman says the attack happened in western Farah province and targeted American personnel helping train Afghanistan 's police force .

  2. 正在这次三方会议举行之际,刚发生了美国在阿富汗战争中导致平民伤亡的最严重的事件之一,据报导,有几十名阿富汗人在美军对阿富汗西部法拉省的塔利班力量进行轰炸时丧生。

    The trilateral meeting convened under a shadow of one of the most serious incidents of U.S. - inflicted civilian casualties of the Afghan war , with dozens of Afghans reported killed in a bombing raid aimed at Taliban forces in the western Farah province .