
  • 网络The Ministry of Justice
  1. 法务省(MinistryofJustice)的数据显示,上世纪90年代末,出国旅游的日本人数量是赴日旅游的外国人数量的四倍多。

    In the late 1990s , over four times as many Japanese traveled abroad as foreign tourists came to Japan , according to the Ministry of Justice .

  2. 1991年至2013年(日本法务省已发表数据的最近一个年份)期间,重复犯相同罪行超过6次的正在服刑的老年罪犯人数攀升了460%。

    Between 1991 and 2013 , the latest year for which the Ministry of Justice publishes figures , the number of elderly inmates in jail for repeating the same offence six times has climbed 460 per cent .

  3. 据日本法务省(JapaneseDepartmentofJustice)称,日本周二对3名杀人犯执行了绞刑,其中包括一位中国公民。

    Japan hanged three murderers on Tuesday , including one Chinese citizen , according to the Japanese Department of Justice .

  4. 法务省准备通过个人集资筹集资金。

    The judicial ministry prepared to raise investment from individuals .

  5. 鼓励住宅合作社和集资建房。法务省准备通过个人集资筹集资金。

    Encouraging house construction through residential house coops and with funds raised by individuals . The Judicial Ministry prepared to raise investment from individuals .

  6. 但是相比于它的承诺&削减官僚权力,尤其是农业省、卫生省、教育省、法务省的权力,兑现进展非常有限。

    Yet it has made little headway on its promise to reduce the power of bureaucrats , especially in ministries such as agriculture , health , education and justice .

  7. 日本法务省规定,孩子的母亲为生下孩子的人而并非孩子的生母。有评论家为此指出,这忽视了对孩子利益的维护。

    The Japanese justice ministry takes a position that the womanwhogives birth , not the biological mother , is the mother of thechild , which critics say is a stance that ignores the interest ofthechild .