
zuàn kǒng
  • drill;bore;drill hole;perforate
钻孔 [zuān kǒng]
  • (1) [drill]

  • (2) 通常指用尖锐的旋转工具在坚硬的物体上钻穿

  • 在木板上钻孔

  • 在数处给一块金属板钻孔

  • (3) 用凿岩机(在坚固材料中)钻孔洞

  • 在花岗岩上钻孔

  • (4) [perforate]∶指为了装饰、识别或便于分开而(常用机器)打一排小孔或花样

  • 形似独木舟有时钻孔作为垂饰的船形宝石

钻孔[zuàn kǒng]
  1. 牙医开始在那颗有问题的牙齿上挖洞,钻孔,直到最后把它补好。

    The dentist commenced to dig , drill and finally fill the offending tooth .

  2. 基于PLC在钻孔专用机床控制中的应用

    The Application of PLC in the Control of Drill Hole Single Purpose Machine Tool

  3. 钻孔机和电锯的噪声过了半夜还继续响着。

    The racket of drills and electric saws went on past midnight .

  4. 钻孔已塞上了塞子。

    A plug had been inserted in the drill hole .

  5. 钻头必须缓慢转动,以保证钻孔平整光滑。

    The drill should be slowly rotated to ensure a clean hole .

  6. 除了从钻孔中抽上来的水外,莫丘迪几乎滴水无存。

    There is almost no water at all in Mochudi save that brought up from bore holes .

  7. 所筹资金将用于钻孔打水以抽水到干涸的湖中。

    The money raised will be used to dig bore holes to pump water into the dried-up lake .

  8. 那工人在用钻孔机钻孔。

    The worker was drilling .

  9. 中国在建其第二个破冰船,在地球上最寒冷的地方,海拔13,422英尺的冰穹上开展研究钻孔作业。

    It is building its second ice-breaking ship and setting up research drilling operations on an ice dome 13,422 feet above sea level that is one the planet 's coldest places .

  10. 他用钻在门上钻孔。

    He used a drill to bore a hole in the door .

  11. 他突然被钻孔的声音吵醒。

    He was rudely awakened by the sound of drilling .

  12. H钢三维数控钻孔机床的液压进给动力头设计

    The Design of Hydraulic Feed Head For 3D NC Drilling Machine of H-Steel

  13. PLC在双面钻孔组合机床电气系统中的应用

    Application on the Electrical System in Drilling Modular Machine Tools with PLC

  14. 用Excel对钻孔取样法试验数据回归分析

    Regression Analysis of Experimental Data of Boring Sampling Method by EXCEL

  15. 长螺旋钻孔管内泵压CFG桩混合料的试验研究

    Experiment Study on mixture of pressure pumped CFG piling by continuous auger drilling

  16. 1999年中国科学院岩士所王笑海博士在基于三维拓扑格网结构的GIS地层模型研究中,介绍了利用钻孔资料建立三维岩土工程地基模型的方法。

    In 1999 , Wang Xiaohai brought forward a method to generate 3D rock-cliff project groundsill model based three-dimensional topological grid structure in the researching of GIS stratum models .

  17. 应用Lingo非线性规划软件的钻孔灌注桩优化设计

    The Optimal Design of Bored Pile Using Lingo Nonlinear Programming Software

  18. 长螺旋钻孔管内泵压CFG桩承载力性状的对比试验分析

    Testing Contrast Analysis on the Bearing Behavior of Pressure Pumped CFG Pile Using Continuous Flight Augers Drilling

  19. 方法:用高速牙钻于患骨表面行钻孔术,然后继续应用MEBO治疗。

    Method : Drilling through the surface of the injured bone , followed by application of MEBO .

  20. 目前,采用PCB数控钻自动编程系统生成的钻孔路线并非最佳走刀路线。

    Up to now , the generation of drilling path by automatic programming system for printed circuit boards ( PCB ) did not give optimal solution .

  21. 钻孔岩心声速Cp垂向变化与地质历史中的海进、海退事件有关;

    The vertical variances of sound velocity ( C p ) in core sediments are related to the events of marine transgression and regression in geologic history .

  22. 钻孔沉积物中元素的富集因子(EF)均小于10,接近于1,表明钻孔沉积物主要来自大陆地壳。

    Rich factors of elements in the cores are less than 10 , and near 1 , so the sediments mainly come from continental crust .

  23. 试验结果表明,在目前的技术条件下,马尾松钻一次孔其连续流脂时间最长为2d,不宜进行钻孔法采脂。

    According to the results , under the current technique term , for masson pine there is continuous oleoresin flowing for only 2 days in one borehole drilling period , and the borehole tapping is not suitable .

  24. OPGW的选型设计直接关系到工程的质量和工程造价,本文对OPGW在工程中的设计原则作简要论述,并简单介绍OPGW的施工注意事项。钻孔灌注桩设备及机具选择与设计

    This paper give brief principle for OPGW Selecting and Design . A Discussion on Selecting and Design of Equipment and Tools for Construction of Piles in Pre-bored Holes

  25. 将ANN模型的计算成果同实测资料和回归模型计算结果进行比较,结果表明,采用ANN方法计算预测钻孔孔径简单方便、计算精度高、可操作性强、通用性好。

    Comparison of the calculation results of the ANN model with the actual observed data and the calculation of regression model shows that the calculation of ANN model is easy and convenient , precise , easy to use and suit to popularize .

  26. 钻孔验证了VSP地震反射剖面中850-12000m深度的强反射层与韧性剪切带相吻合。

    The VSP seismic profile reveals the deeply structure of the tectonic slices . The main hole verified that the strong reflective layer between 850 to 1130 m deep is equivalent to the ductile shear zone .

  27. 某矿区ZK552钻孔中的“倒裂隙”造成漏失。

    The inverted fissure in ZK552 borehole on a mining area has made leakage .

  28. 方法回顾分析了我院收治的62例CSDH病人,45例行钻孔闭式引流术(甲组),17例行YL&1型穿刺针引流术(乙组),比较两组治疗效果。

    Methods A retrospective study was carried out among 62 CSDH patients , 45 as Group A treated with burr-hole craniotomy with closed-system drainage and 17 as Group B with drainage with YL-1 puncture needle .

  29. 通过对联合基础与钻孔灌注桩的经济指标、施工等使用比较分析,提出在10kV线路中推广使用的建议,可供配电网建设工作者参考。

    Through the comparison of economical index and construction application between combined footing and bored pile foundation , it was suggested that the combined footing the bored pile foundation should be popularized for 10 kV transmission line .

  30. 方法分析比较传统方法(颅骨钻孔脑室外引流24例)与硬通道技术方法(采用YL-1型针钻一体针行脑室外引流42例)行脑室外引流的效果。

    Methods Comparing effects of 42 cases external ventricular drainage of the hard channels ( Using the needle of YL-1 type to operate external ventricular drainage ) with results in 24 cases by traditional external ventricular drainage .