
  • 网络bored pile;Bored;cast in place bored pile
  1. 超长钻孔灌注桩施工质量评价的灰色变权方法

    Gray Variable Method of Evaluation on Construction Quality of Super-length Bored Pile

  2. 钻孔灌注桩后压浆技术效果的机理分析

    Analysis on the Mechanism of the Post-grouting Technique for the Bored Pile Construction

  3. 后压浆钻孔灌注桩处理高层住宅PHC管桩桩基偏位的工程实例分析

    Case Analysis of PHC Piles Foundation Drift Problem Solved by Cast-in-place Grouting Piles

  4. 应用Lingo非线性规划软件的钻孔灌注桩优化设计

    The Optimal Design of Bored Pile Using Lingo Nonlinear Programming Software

  5. 北京东方广场深基坑工程开挖范围、深度和施工难度大,围护结构采用钻孔灌注桩(局部H形钢桩),锚杆加土钉形成复合支撑;

    Foundation excavation with considerable scale and depth of Oriental Plaza project is of tremendous construction difficulty . Pouring piling was adopted to enclosure structure ( partly with steel of H section );

  6. 90m超深钻孔灌注桩及其桩端后注浆的施工

    Construction of 90 m Super Deep Bored Pile and Post-Grouting of Bottom Pile

  7. 深度81m大直径钻孔灌注桩的施工与检测

    Construction and Inspection of 81m Deep Large Diameter Bored Piles

  8. 主塔墩基础采用14根直径为3m的钻孔灌注桩,桩长56m。

    There were 14 bored piles with 3 m diameter and 56 m long for the tower pier . Collapse appeared when the No.

  9. 引用神经网络基本原理,详细介绍了改进BP神经网络的研究过程,从而建立了预测钻孔灌注桩极限承载力的神经网络模型;

    The paper build the ANN model in predicting ultimate bearing capacity of drilled grouting pile and discuss in detail the extraction of inputting nodes information when quoting the fundamental principle of ANN model and introducing research process of the improved BNN .

  10. OPGW的选型设计直接关系到工程的质量和工程造价,本文对OPGW在工程中的设计原则作简要论述,并简单介绍OPGW的施工注意事项。钻孔灌注桩设备及机具选择与设计

    This paper give brief principle for OPGW Selecting and Design . A Discussion on Selecting and Design of Equipment and Tools for Construction of Piles in Pre-bored Holes

  11. 越南法来大桥17号桥墩基础为直径2m、深50m的泥浆护壁钻孔灌注桩。

    The foundation of No. 17 pier of Vietnam Phalai Bridge is a drilling & grouting pile with mud protection , whose diameter is 2 meters and whose depth is 50 meters .

  12. 南锚碇基础深基坑支护采用了钻孔灌注桩排桩加多道支撑挡土,2m厚冻土薄壁隔水的新型设计和施工工艺,称为排桩冻结法。

    Filling piles and multilayer support and new design and execution technique of 2-m thick frozen soil thin wall water gushing are adopted in South Anchor Cushion Foundation Pit , namely the freezing method of row piles .

  13. 通过对钻孔灌注桩和FRANKI桩两种地基处理方案的比选,最终确定采用FRANKI桩地基处理方案。

    After scheme comparison between cast in-place concrete pile method and FRANKI pile method , the FRANKI pile method has been confirmed finally .

  14. 采用电磁波层析成像技术(EWCT)进行钻孔灌注桩质量检测是一个新的手段。

    Electromagnetic wave computerized tomography ( EWCT ) is a new geophysics method for quality inspection of pile foundations .

  15. 杭州湾大桥试桩工程中,采用自平衡试桩法对钻孔灌注桩承载力进行测试,在试桩A1中埋设双荷载箱,测试桩端注浆提高承载力的效果。

    The self-balance test method is adopted for Hangzhou Bay Bridge to test the capacity of the bored pile . Two load-boxes are buried in the pile to test the effect of improving the capacity of the pile by injecting cement into the bottom of the pile .

  16. 通过对联合基础与钻孔灌注桩的经济指标、施工等使用比较分析,提出在10kV线路中推广使用的建议,可供配电网建设工作者参考。

    Through the comparison of economical index and construction application between combined footing and bored pile foundation , it was suggested that the combined footing the bored pile foundation should be popularized for 10 kV transmission line .

  17. 岩溶区桥梁钻孔灌注桩的施工

    Construction Techniques of Bored Cast-in-Place Piles of Bridges in Karst Area

  18. 钻孔灌注桩超声波检测方法与缺陷判断

    Supersonic Inspection Method and Defect Judgment of Drilling Hole Pour Pile

  19. 提高钻孔灌注桩施工质量优良率的方法

    Method on Heighten Quality Fine Ratio of Borehole Injection Pile Construction

  20. 膨胀混凝土在加固钻孔灌注桩中的应用

    Application of Expansive Concrete in Reinforced Pile in Pre Bored Hole

  21. 泥浆比重对钻孔灌注桩质量的影响分析

    Analysis of Influence of Mud Proportion on Quality of Cast-in-Place Piles

  22. 复杂地质条件下的大口径钻孔灌注桩成孔

    Formation of Large Diameter Bored Pile Holes in Complicated Geological Conditions

  23. 孔壁形状对钻孔灌注桩承载特性的影响

    Influence of Hole Wall Shape on Bearing Feature of Bored Pile

  24. 旋挖式钻孔灌注桩在复杂场地中的应用

    On application of bored pile by churning drive in complex sites

  25. 钻孔灌注桩施工技术方案的优化选择

    Optimal Choice of Construction Technique Scheme for Pile Grouting in Drilling

  26. 钻孔灌注桩堵管断桩的应急处理办法

    Emergency Method to Handle Blockage Pipe and Fracture of Bored Pile

  27. 岩溶地区钻孔灌注桩成孔(溶洞)的设计处理

    Design Treatment of Karst Caves for Bored Piles at Karst District

  28. 钻孔灌注桩动力检测原理及应用

    Principles for dynamic test of cast-in-site bored pile and engineering application

  29. 钻孔灌注桩施工成本管理的理论与实践

    Theories and Practices of Construction Cost Management of Drilled Grouting Piles

  30. 钻孔灌注桩在广东省省道113线中的应用

    Application of Cast-in-Place Pile in No.113 Provincial Highway of Guangdong Province