
  • 网络drilling time;ROP
  1. 综合录井钻时参数在火山岩储层评价中的应用

    Application of drilling time parameters of comprehensive logging in evaluation of volcanic rock reservoir

  2. 甘泉油区石油勘探开发中钻时曲线的应用

    Application of Drilling Time Curve in Exploration and Exploitation of Petroleum in Ganquan Petroliferous Area

  3. 打钻时,他们不小心钻破了一根燃气管道。

    They had accidentally damaged a gas pipe while drilling

  4. 总结了钻时、扭矩、dc指数及Sigma指数在地层分层及岩性变化时引起的变化特征。

    The author summed up the varying characteristics of RPM , Torque , dc exponent and Sigma during stratification and lithology changing .

  5. 以平均钻时(秒)DT为钻时样本,取DT以2为底的对数为可钻性等级(DCG)。

    The average time interval in seconds is named Drillability Time ( DT ), and the logarithm of the DT to the base 2-the Drillability Classification Grade ( DCO ) .

  6. 改进后的钻头纯钻时70h以上未出现流道冲蚀失效现象,耐冲蚀寿命比改进前提高近1倍

    The erosion resistance of the modified bit is improved remarkably . THE WHITE PHENOMENA

  7. 智能钻时参数仪钻时参数算法分析与设计

    The analysis and design of drilling-time of an integrated drilling-time instrument

  8. 浅谈钻时在录井及钻井中的应用

    The application of rate of penetration in logging and drilling

  9. 钻时录并资料是获取地层信息的重要来源。

    Penetration time logging is an important method to get this kind of information .

  10. 正确应用钻时,能够给录井和钻井施工提供很多帮助。

    Correct use of rate of penetration will give many aids to mud logging and well drilling .

  11. 此为较好的使用方法。但应在使用碳钨钻时避免对釉面造成无法弥补的损伤。

    This is a better method . However , it should avoid causing irreparable damage in the use of carbon-tungsten .

  12. 本文论述了钻井泵载荷谱的编制方法、泵压对钻时的分布规律及载荷谱的应用。

    This article is concerned with the study on the pump pressure distribution against drilling-time and the load pattern of slush pumps .

  13. 作者列出了中原油田非均质地层的钻时录井曲线及其处理流程图,并给出了用微机处理后的结果。

    Logging curves of a non-homogeneous formation of the Zhongyuan Oil Field and block diagram for data processing are shown and microcomputer results are given .

  14. 钻时资料与地层信息苏北溱潼箕状凹陷的形成演化机制及油气成藏特征

    RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TIME OF PENETRATION AND FORMATION FEATURES The Formation and Evolution Mechanism of Qintong Half Graben in Subei Basin and Its Reservoir Formation Features

  15. 钻头的工作情况可以根据综合录井资料分析判断,反映钻头磨损程度的主要特征参数有扭矩和钻时。

    We can analyse and diagnose bit working state based on integrated logging data . The main characteristic parameters for bit wearing degree are torque and drilling time .

  16. 侧钻时克服了侧钻点井斜大、裸眼段长、返砂少等困难,选择正确的侧钻方法,充分利用无线随钻侧斜仪进行监测,达到侧钻目的。

    When sidetracking , selecting the correct sidetracking method , and making the best of measurement while drilling ( MWD ) to monitor , achieve the objective of sidetracking .

  17. 建立了顶驱装置开钻时的模型,并集成了导轨连续柔性模块,做了初步的仿真和分析。

    The model of top driving device when starting drilling was established and the continuous flexible module of slide-way was integrated and a tentative simulation and analysis were also made .

  18. 分析了微小孔钻头轴向振动入钻时特殊的动力学行为及其对入钻定位误差的修正作用。

    This paper analyses the special dynamic behavior of entering drilling of micro drill with vibration in the direction of axis and its correction function to location error of entering drilling .

  19. 取心井段由于受破碎岩石体积、钻井液等因素的影响,气测值和钻时与正常钻进时的录井值有较大差别。

    The parameters for gas logging and ROP are different greatly from the parameter in normal drilling due to the effect of the crushed rock volume , the drilling fluid and so on .

  20. 本文阐述了石油钻探过程中钻时参数的测量原理及其两种实用算法,并指出了在设计实现过程中的注意事项。

    This article expatiate the theory and two kinds of practicable arithmetic of drilling time which used in the oil drilling process , and give notice of the two kinds in the design .

  21. 混油泥浆钻进或卡钻时泡油解卡,必然对岩石样品造成不同程度的污染,对地化录井影响也在所难免。

    During the process of drilling or drill pipe sticking , the influence of oil emulsion drilling fluid on geochemical logging and its varying degrees of pollution on rock sam - ples can not be avoided .

  22. 她可能是刚好在成年蛾从蛹中钻出来时进行的观察。

    She may have observed the adult moth just as it emerged from its pupa .

  23. 深孔钻削时孔中心线偏移的分析研究

    Analysis of the centre - line offset in drilling depth - hole

  24. 在应用回次钻速时应引起足够的重视。

    It should be onsider-ed in using the penetration rate of advance per attack .

  25. 另一个优点是采用钻模时不需要熟练工人。

    Another advantage is that skilled workers are not required when jigs are used .

  26. 振动钻削时钻头的动力学模型

    Dynamic Model of Drill during Vibrational Drilling

  27. 深孔钻削时的力学特性分析

    Mechanical Analysis on Drilling Deep-hole

  28. 激光钻削时,选择合适的激光功率及减少激光照射时间可提高钻削质量。

    Choosing appropriate laser power and reducing laser irradiation time in laser drilling can also improve drilling quality .

  29. 不会,我会冷牙齿,那麽你便不会在钻牙时觉得痛。

    No , I 'll freeze it , so you won 't feel any pain from the drill .

  30. 当他们从山顶上森林里钻出来时,他们能望见下面山谷里千万点灯光。

    And when they came out of the woods at the top they could see thousands of lights in the valley down below them .