
  • 网络Drilling sampling;sample drilling;boring with sampling
  1. 天然气水合物钻探取样技术介绍

    Introduction to coring technology by drilling of gas hydrates

  2. 试论月球表面钻探取样的难点与关键技术

    Difficulties and key technologies of lunar drilling and sampling

  3. 试验结果表明,本文所设计的多杆组接式钻探取样系统具有可行性。

    The results show that the design of multi-pipe drilling and sampling system is feasible .

  4. 我国探月工程可采用的一种月球钻探取样方法的初步分析

    Elementary Analysis on One of the Possible Drilling and Sampling Techniques for China Lunar Exploration Project

  5. 通过钻探取样对一个垃圾场底部土层的污染状况进行了现场调查。

    Investigation of pollution situation of bottom layer of a landfill by boring sampling was carried out .

  6. 目前,在工程实践中对原状土样的采取多通过开挖竖井及平洞的方法进行,但在埋深较大的情况下,由于开挖竖井及平洞较为困难,多采取钻探取样的方法。

    The undisturbed soil is usually sampled through excavating shaft and adit , but through borehole sampling for deep soil .

  7. 通过对实际工程的观测、调查、钻探取样及化验分析,详细剖析了混凝土碱-骨料反应的机理和过程。

    On basis of observations , investigations , core drillings and chemical tests of the engineering case , the article makes detailed analysis on the mechanisms and processes of the alkali-aggregate reactions in concrete .

  8. 弹药的远距离钻探和取样系统;

    Remote drilling and sampling systems for munitions ;

  9. 选择典型地段进行钻探、取样、标贯、静探、动载荷试验等现场原位测试,取得代表性地段现代黄河沉积形成的饱和细粒土地层结构、力学指标和地球物理参数;

    From these tests , the stratal configuration , mechanics index and geophysics parameters of the saturated fine grained soil caused by sedimentation in the representative location of the Yellow River nowadays .