
zuàn jī
  • rig;drilling machine;boring machine;drill
钻机 [zuàn jī]
  • [drilling machine;rig;boring machine] 钻井、钻探用的机械

钻机[zuàn jī]
  1. 应用BP神经网络诊断全液压坑道钻机故障

    Application of BP neural network in fault diagnosis of full hydraulic drilling rig

  2. 国外AC变频电驱动石油钻机的现状及发展

    Status quo and development of overseas petroleum driling rig with AC variable-frequency electric

  3. 钻机充一次电大约要三个小时。

    The drill takes about three hours to recharge .

  4. 这钻机有变速控制。

    The drill has variable speed control .

  5. DSP在牙轮钻机回转电机控制中的应用

    Application of DSP in Motor Controlling of Driller

  6. 石油钻机的产品数据管理(PDM)系统的研究

    Product data management ( pdm ) system of oil drilling rig

  7. 对试验室K型模型井架和JJ315/45-K型在役钻机井架进行应力、形变静载测试。

    Measurement on stress and deformation under static loads is effected on the K type derrick model in laboratory and JJ315 / 45-K drilling derrick in service .

  8. CS-165E型潜孔钻机PLC电液控制系统的设计

    Design of PLC Electric-Hydraulic Control System for Model CS-165E DTH Drill

  9. 四脚钻塔拆装工艺的新突破和机装可逆式钻塔XY系列钻机吊臂式钻塔的设计应用

    The Design Of XY Series Drilling machine Suspend arm-type Drill-tower and It 's Applications

  10. 基于钻机的TBM隧洞施工超前地质预报系统开发研究

    Research on the System Design for Advance Geological Prediction in TBM Construction Tunnel Based on Drilling Machine

  11. 为提高国产SCR电驱动石油钻机的操作自动化水平,首次提出了一种新型的柴油发电机组自动准同期控制方案&快速锁相型自动准同期控制方案。

    In this paper , the fast phase-locked control scheme in the precise synchronization process for diesel-generator units is proposed .

  12. 2000m水井钻机的钻杆仿真研究

    Simulation Research on Drill Pipe of 2000 Meter Water Well Rig

  13. Allison变速箱应用于石油钻机有关问题的讨论

    Discussion on Applications of Allison Transmissions on Drilling Rigs

  14. 4000m钻机柴油机变矩器机组的分析与改进

    Analysis on Torque Converter Set of Diesel Engine of 4000m Drilling Machine and its Improvement

  15. 结合XY系列立轴式岩心钻机的特点,研制开发了与之配套的AY8~15m系列液压起塔定向施工A型钻塔,并获得了国家实用新型专利。

    A-type hydraulic erection derrick for directional drilling was developed to fit the XY Series Core Drilling Rigs and National Paten was authorized .

  16. VLD型定向钻机在大宁矿瓦斯抽放中的应用

    VLD directional drilling rig applied to mine gas drainage in Daning Mine

  17. 该钻机的FBX应该开始动画,就像它在转换器的观众一样。

    The FBX rig should start to animate just like it did in the converter viewer .

  18. YZ-35B型牙轮钻机电气系统产生振荡原因分析

    Analyzing the causes arising oscillation from electrical system in YZ-35B blasthole drill

  19. GX-1型全液压旋喷钻机的研制

    R & D on Hydraulic Rotary Jetting Rig GX-1

  20. YZ-35型牙轮钻机回转机构的分析

    Analysis to Rotary Mechanism of YZ-35 Rotary Drill Rig

  21. AT1200型斜天井钻机的研制与改进

    Development and improvement of model at 1200 incline raise borer

  22. 提高MYT型液压锚杆钻机工作可靠性的探讨

    Inquiring into Increasing the Reliability of MYT Hydraulic Anchor Drill

  23. 瑞典BT-121型液压锚孔钻机系统分析

    Analysis on model BT-121 hydraulic anchor-hole drilling system made in sweden

  24. JM-1型全液压潜孔锤钻机的研制与应用

    Development and Application Of JM-1 Hammer Drilling Machine with Hydraulic Hole

  25. MD-100型全液压锚固工程钻机新型夹持器的研制

    A New Type of Clampers Developed for Hydraulic Anchor Drill MD - 100

  26. 美国E&3000型9000m钻机在塔北地区的应用

    U.S.E ─ 3000 type 9000m drill applied in the north Tarim area

  27. GZ-2000型钻机设计中主要技术参数的确定

    Confirmation of main technical parameter in design of GZ-2000 drilling machine

  28. 45-R牙轮钻机减速器的改进

    Improvement to the Speed Reducer of 45-R Rotary Drill

  29. 介绍了GX-1型全液压旋喷钻机的设计思想、主要技术参数、部件的结构及现场试验情况。

    The design idea , main technical parameters , structure of parts and test cases are introduced .

  30. CFZ-1500型冲击反循环钻机研制中的几个问题

    Several Problems Encountered in Research and Manufacture of CFZ-1500 Percussion Reverse circulation Drill