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  1. 脐血锌与铁高于母血,铜低于母血,镁无显著差异。

    The results showed the Ievels of maternal serum zinc and iron decreased but copper increased with the gestational age .

  2. 将全TiO2/无定型TiO2定义为钛值,并用钛值代替硅铝铁率衡量紫色母岩的风化程度。

    The total / amorphous titanium was defined as " titanium value ", which was used for estimating weathering degree of purple parent rocks instead of SiO_ ( 2 ) / ( Al_ ( 2 ) O_ ( 3 ) + Fe_ ( 2 ) O_ ( 3 )) value .

  3. 富锂氟花岗岩中存在岩浆成因铁/锂白云母的实验证据

    Experimental evidence for presence of magmatic Fe and Li muscovite in the Li F rich granite

  4. 孕期总铁摄入量与孕期母血多项指标的变化幅度、孕期铁缺乏症的程度与脐血铁蛋白均存在密切关系;

    Total iron intake was closely related to the variation of these parameters , the degree of iron deficiency in pregnant women and the content of cord ferritin .